Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-05-26

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It’s Friday! Not just any old Friday either. It’s the Friday
before I’m off for a week’s vacation! Yay! No big trips planned
this time around, just a nice relaxing week at home to de-stress
from the last 2 months that have really sucked (don’t ask). I do
have two activities planned for my time off. The first item on the
agenda is to go new car shopping. I think it’s about time I traded
in my 1991 Red GMC Sonoma for something else. It’s been a good
vehicle these past 15 yrs, but it’s really starting to show and act
its age.

The second item on my agenda is to get out and geocache. I
finally ordered and received a Garmin Legend CX handheld GPS. I
have a feeling this is going to turn into one of my new favorite
hobbies. I may even dust off my old Tesoro metal detector and take
it with me.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy / safe Memorial Day weekend.

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