Judie’s Gear Diary – 2005-10-17

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I’ve been using the

for a couple of days now, and I must say that so far it is a
keeper! I have had a few software incompatibilities which I hope will eventually
be rectified as developers get used to WM5 quirks, but otherwise it has been
smooth sailing.

So far I have loaded the following programs without any problems:
eReader Pro
Resco Explorer 2005
Omega One 1-Calc


Super Wild
Wild Words


Text Twist

Shape Shifter
Japan Crossword

These programs have given me "issues" – some serious, some not so serious:
eWallet – won’t sync,
but it works on the device quite well
Movie Guide
returns a sync error – but runs flawlessly on the device
Newsbreak – I was
storing content on my card and that caused a startup error every time I reset. I
suspect that if I don’t store content on my card there will be no problem.

I am adding programs slowly, because I want to be sure I know
what is causing any issues or slow-downs as they happen.

One thing that will take some getting used to is the total loss of a
built-in backup solution such as the iPAQ had. I have been using
Sunnysoft Backup
as a substitute, and as long as I keep it in Easy Mode it backs
everything but my PIMs flawlessly. I am going to do some experimenting,
because I suspect that there are certain phone settings that don’t like being
saved and reinstalled upon a hard reset when using the Advanced Mode; perhaps I
can isolate and exclude them. Bearing in mind that Backup Manager does not yet
support WM5, I feel it is doing a great job and am thankful to even have
it as an option!

For those who haven’t been able to see the PPC of these in person yet, here
is a size comparison with an iPAQ 4700, the PDA I was previously carrying.

ppc 6700 entry1

With their regular batteries installed, the iPAQ measures 5.2" tall x 3.0" wide
x 0.6" thick, and the 6700 measures 4.3" tall x 2.3" wide x 0.9" thick. The iPAQ
weighs 6.8 ounces, and the 6700 weighs 6.6 ounces. Of course, to be fair I
should also throw in a picture that includes an additional mobile phone – since
that’s what I was having to carry before I got "converged".

In hand, the 6700 feels very comfortable. The silver plastic body is smooth,
but not slick. Its depth makes me feel that I have a better grip, and it’s
thinner width also helps. I would feel much safer if I could get the 6700 in a
play-through case, however. At the moment I have been going case-less, and it is
a little bit worrisome.

ppc 6700 entry2

If the 6700 seems too thick to be a pocketable phone, consider this: the
Samsung i500 is 1.1" thick, the i550 was 1.2" thick, and a typical
vision-enabled flip phone or candy-bar phone is right at 0.9" to 1" thick. You
can check out the Sprint PCS site to see
what I mean. Granted, the 6700 will seem like a brick if you have been using a
Motorola Razr, or other such extremely thin phone.

If one were to argue that the 6700 isn’t a flip phone, so why should it be so
thick? Well, here is the answer – taaa-daaa!!!

ppc 6700 entry3
The 6700 doubles as a mini-laptop!

Typing out emails and notes is a breeze. The keyboard is remarkably easy to
use and the slightly ridged keys feel good under my fingers. There is good
tactile feedback when pressing the keys, and holding the PDA with both hands
while my thumbs fly over the keyboard is becoming second nature. Of course, when
the device is closed, it can be used more a traditional Pocket PC. Well, one
that is seriously connected, anyway.

We don’t have EV-DO in San Angelo, so I haven’t had the pleasure of surfing
at blazing speeds – however, unless a page is very picture-laden, it will load
fairly quickly. Having the option of BT, Sprint Vision & WiFi for sending and
receiving email is so incredibly convenient – I didn’t know what I was missing,
because even though I was using a PDA phone before, I never really used it as
much more than…a phone.

I have already installed a

PPC Techs WriteSHIELD C2 screen protector
and I have their

Lil’ Sync Pro retractable sync & charge cable
which when used with the

BoxWave Battery Adapter
and the

BoxWave VersaCharger
will be perfect when traveling.

So let’s do some size comparisons…

ppc 6700 entry4

I am so used to the size of my iPAQ that the 6700 seems quite petite in

ppc 6700 entry5

Now remember that this is the standard iPAQ battery I am showing for
comparison. When the extended battery is on the iPAQ, the 6700 is only 0.1"

I am going to be getting several Bluetooth headsets in the next couple of
weeks, as I try to figure out which one I can wear comfortably without feeling
like a cyborg and without looking as goofy as Colin Ferrell did in
Phone Booth. ;0)

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