EXiM Screen Protector: Ultra Protect Review

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Product Requirements:
These protectors are available for
just about every make of PDA. A complete list is

I am really impressed with the number of long-wearing PDA screen protectors
that have cropped up over the last two years. It wasn’t so long ago that I was
buying WriteRights from the now defunct Concept Kitchen and cussing the fact
that I would have to replace them every three weeks or less. If it wasn’t the
furrows that seemed to magically appear after a game of
or after any extended graffiti writing session, it was the bubbles
that never seemed to completely disappear – even though I was very
experienced at all the installation tricks. I would go through a pack of 12 in
way less than the year they were supposed to last. Don’t even get me started on
the disgusting filmy residue that would be left on my PDA’s screen every time I
would strip off a used protector…what a mess! But in the end, I put up with
the hassle because the alternative was to take a chance on scratching my screen
every time I used my PDA. Been there, done that – never again.

Since then, I have had the good fortune of being able to try quite a few high
quality protectors. Even though at first glance, this new generation seems
more expensive than the old sticky one, it is actually a much better value for
the money. Where I used to spend $20+ for a pack of 12 protectors that would
last less than a year, I can now spend under $20 and get one to three protectors
(depending on the brand) that will last up to a year each.

The latest that I have tried is the
EXiM Screen Protector,
from PDA-NOW. This protector is extremely
similar to the Brando version
that I previously reviewed. It is composed of a slightly thick sheet of plastic
that can handle months of heavy usage.

exim p1

When you open the package, you will note that there is a thin sheet of
plastic that must be peeled off the actual protector. The surface that is
revealed has a silicone coating, which will stay tightly affixed to your PDA’s
screen without the use of a sticky adhesive. An added bonus for this type of
system is that it is almost impossible to get a bubble when installing – but if
you do, you can just pull the protector up and lay it right back down. As many
of you will remember, that was impossible with the old sticky protectors.

Once installed, the EXiM will provide a glare-free yet highly transparent
protective cover for your PDA’s screen. I did not feel that it affected the view
of my PDA’s screen, and I liked the slightly textured surface that created a
"paper feel’ when I would use a stylus on the screen.

exim p2

The EXiM Screen Protector is a does exactly as promised and offers an
economical way to protect your PDA’s screen. If you are still not convinced that
you need some type of screen protection, then check out the
link that I found at the PDA Now

The EXiM Screen
is available from PDA-NOW.


Price: $12.99 includes free shipping

Easy to install
Many sizes for many PDAs
Silicone based adhesive leaves no residue
Long lasting



Product Information

Manufacturer:PDA Now
  • Easy to install
  • Many sizes for many PDAs
  • Silicone based adhesive leaves no residue
  • Long lasting
  • None

5 thoughts on “EXiM Screen Protector: Ultra Protect Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Thanks for the review. Looks interesting.

    Yet, to prevent scratches on your PDA Graffiti area due to writing normal Scotch tape will do too.
    I’ve been using a simple strip of Scotch Tape every couple of weeks covering my Graffitti area for years now.
    No scratches what so ever, and a nice “texture” tacktile feedback when writing Graffitti.
    And at no costs what so ever.

    Won’t do for covering the whole screen though.:)

  3. Thanks for the review!

    I know it was a few YEARS ago that you wrote this, but I’m thinking of buying an EXiM Screen Protector: Ultra Protect designed for my Canon SD300 digital camera. The camera is small and pocketable, but I’m afraid the LCD will get damaged riding around in my jeans. From your experience with your EXiM Screen Protector, do you think it would stay on while on a screen in a pocket?

  4. I ordered 2 weeks ago the sp for sony dsc-h1 from pda-now.com. it arrived quick enough. unfortunately it’s just no-work: tried all kind of tricks to peel ANYTHING from the plastic sheet. kept it under water for hours. nothing.

    Now, maybe i’m missing something, ok but the product isn’t as easy to install as advertised.
    not mentioning that i got no answer from their “support”.

    moral: stay away from pda-now.com and their $**t

    a very frustrated internet buyer

  5. I just ordered one for my Fujitsu LifeBook U810 from eBay for about $10. It shipped from Hong Kong. In short, I wasted $10 because as soon as I applied it I took it off and threw it away.

    Obviously, I was disappointed. As a previous poster said, they could’ve made it easier to apply (maybe applying on a 5.6″ screen is a bit harder than on a 2.8″ screen). After I had applied it, I noticed an annoying S-shaped piece of dust underneath the screen protector; I think its advertised “PET & Silicone Rubber” surface was also a magnet for dust particles because mine collected dust as soon as I peeled the plastic off of it.

    However, I could live with the dust particles and hard-to-get-right application process — what made it unusable for me is the fact that it made my screen terrible! The best description of what it’s like is if you could imagine taking your oily fingers and smudging the entire screen with it; after putting on the Exim screen protector my screen looks like it had a thin film of oil on it, which made it extremely distracting to my eyes and text harder to read (text on the U810 is hard to read as it is).

    I think you can save yourself $10-20 by going to your local WalMart and picking up a square yard of clear vinyl for like 60 cents.

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