Judie’s Gear Diary – 2003-07-30

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Aloha! Well, my family will be saying that again on Monday. Yes, it is almost time for our annual trek to the beautiful state of Hawaii, and once again, to Waikiki beach. After spending spring break in freezing cold Scotland and then suffering through another scorching West Texas summer, we are ready to get to the mild weathers and beautiful beaches of lovely Oahu. I wonder if there will be fireworks this year?
In the meantime, I am trying out an application that I hope will help extend my CLIE NZ90's battery life on the plane: LightSpeed, by Jonathan Fernstad. This is an over/under clocking utility that allows you to adjust the speeds at which your CLIE runs depending on the program. That means if you are reading e-books (like I will be on the trip), you can underclock the processor to slow the program down and draw less power, but if you are playing a game you can overclock the processor and speed things up a bit. The first version crashed my CLIE, but this latest (v1.1) seems to be operating perfectly. It even works for programs stored on the memory stick. Coolness. :0)

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