Judie’s Gear Diary – 2001-12-20

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I just purchasd a unique piece of equipment for my iPAQ, the LifeView Fly Jacket. Here is a blurb from the website: “This multimedia expansion 'jacket' for iPAQ handhelds offers more than just presentations on-the-go, it is a mobile multimedia solution for wide range of video purposes ranging from previewing full motion video to taking 'snapshot's of video being previewed on the PDA. The FlyJacket i3800 can output to either a projector, a VGA monitor, or TV directly from an iPAQ and still have an available CF slot for storing data / files. Additionally, the bundled pen-sized remote control/pointer has been specifically designed to perform the task of 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' for Microsoft PowerPoint® file presentations in conjunction with the FlyJacket i3800. Plus the opposite end of the device is equipped with a laser diode that serves as a pointer during presentations.” Sounds interesting, doesn't it? I'll let you know if it lives up to its promise…

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