Julie’s Gear Diary – 1999-04-28

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This entry really doesn’t have anything to do with gadgets, but I’ll post it anyway. I’ve decided to try to convert over to Linux. While in Comdex I picked up a free copy of Caldera’s OpenLinux 2.2. I’m having problems getting it to install. It actually installs fine but no matter what video setups I use, it will turn off my monitor and require me to power off the machine and reboot and reinstall. I’ve scoured the Caldera site and tried asking for advice in the IRC chat rooms without any success. If anyone wants to take pity on me and help me out, please do. I’m running a DELL Dimension 400mhz with a Diamond Permedia2 8meg AGP card (Fire GL 1000 Pro). My monitor is a DELL 1226H 19in.

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