Podcastomatic instantly turns your favorite blog into an audio podcast

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Podcastomatic is a unique way to catch up on your favorite blogs. Just type in a blog’s URL and you’ll be presented with a list of recent articles. Click play and the desired article will be read to you in one of the best text to speech synthesized voices I’ve heard to date. The male voice can even reproduce the correct inflections for commas and question marks. The website works with your desktop computer and even with your mobile device. At least it worked with the Chrome browser on my Samsung Galaxy S3. Podcastomatic also provides an iTunes podcast subscribe link and a RSS feed link to the blog’s articles so you can subscribe with your favorite feed reader and opt to listen to the articles or read them. Very cool.

Via Lifehacker

1 thought on “Podcastomatic instantly turns your favorite blog into an audio podcast”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. “Please hang in there, I’m soon done!”
    I forgot I have a whole month in one post and this went on and on for about 8 minutes or more. Once done, it had the entire year listed, but only the first paragraph of each month… The sound and voice quality were quite good and understandable.
    I’ll have to investigate this a little more when I get some free time 🙂

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