PDA Body-Guard\’s Palm m100 Coolplates Review

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Product Requirements:
Palm m100 series

How many of us are ever satisfied with a PDA as it comes straight from the
manufacturer? How long does it take before we begin looking for ways to
customize it, and make it "ours"; whether that be by adding a new
case, special software, or even a new shell? 

Evidently Palm understood people’s need for personalization when they created
the m100 series, one year ago. Palm made it so that owners could switch out the
faceplates on the m100, to match whatever whim they were feeling on a particular
day. They even created a decent selection for people to choose from…but then they
charged as much as $19.95 for each one, and they were mostly offering
solid colors!

Well, it was only a matter of time before someone stepped up the plate, and
offered the personalization people wanted. PDA
, makers of the PDA Body-Guard line of accessories
I have reviewed here before, have created CoolPlates
for the Palm m100 series of PDAs.

Instead of selling only solid colors (although they do that, too); PDA
Body-Guard is offering some of the craziest, most fun, and yes – the coolest
plates that you could ever want to affix to the front of your Palm. With names
like Party Time, Siamese Cat, and Flower Garden, they have created a plethora of
patterns and designs ensuring that you would be able to pick out your otherwise
plain m100 in a line-up.

I was sent the Angel Sky, Tiger, and Blue Leather designs. 

tech m100 1 
tech m100 2 
tech m100 3
These pictures are courtesy of PDA

I compared the three CoolPlate samples that I received to the one Palm
faceplate that I own: they were remarkably similar in design, weight, and
construction. I would have no reservation in saying that the CoolPlates seem to
be of comparable quality.

Installing a plate on the front of your m100 is simple; but for those of you
that have never
done it, I’ll walk you through the steps:

tech m100 4 First, you need to remove your flip-lid. This is done by
grasping the hinge at it’s base, and applying a firm, steady pressure as
you tilt the lid down-ward and out.
tech m100 5 Next, you grasp the tab on the back-side of your m100 that
is attached to the faceplate, and with a steady, but firm tug, gently pull
it forward and off. If you are removing a faceplate for the first time –
it may be really stiff. It may creak like it’s going to break, and
act stubborn and almost refuse to come off. Believe me, it will come
tech m100 6 To install a new faceplate, hook the grooves on the bottom
inside of the shell to the bottom of your m100. Then it is a simple matter
of making sure that the tab at the top of the faceplate glides over the
power button as you snap the new CoolPlate in place. 
tech m100 7 You’ll want to make sure that the sides are snapped down,
too – so gently squeeze the sides of your m100 and CoolPlate together.

Viola – you have achieved personalization!

I purchased a blue faceplate from Palm when they first came out. I paid
$18.99 for it, plus shipping. I figured that would be the last plate I
would buy, because for a plain faceplate – I wasn’t getting much

For $13.95 plus shipping, I could have had any number of FAB designs flitting
across the face of my Palm… Guess which product line I feel is the better
value? ;0)

Price:  $13.95 There are over 50 available
patterns and colors are listed here.


Excellent construction, perfectly matched to m100’s body
Priced reasonably




Product Information

Manufacturer:PDA Bodyguard

2 thoughts on “PDA Body-Guard\’s Palm m100 Coolplates Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I am also giving this one a try. I am impressed with the way that it charts and shows a true trend in your weight, instead of the daily ups and downs. It’s free, too. 😀

    Judie :0)

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