The Gear Eye keeps an eye on things for photographers

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I wonder how many of my fellow photographers end up like I have on many shoots, when I get to the location and realize that I forgot to pack something, and to make matters worse, packed gear the I did not need. This is a frequent problem that I experience no matter how much I plan. It either occurs because I have back to back shoots and very little time to re-pack my bags, or because I took something out of the bag and forgot to replace it.

A couple of days ago, I was surfing for photography gear online, which by now you all know is something I love to do, and I came across what may be a great solution.

Gear Eye is a small scanner that works along with RFID stickers and a mobile app, to tag all your gear and track it via the app. When setting up each tag, you can label each piece of equipment, so that when it is scanned, it shows up in the app as labeled. This allows you to pack a bag and then scan the items in the bag, and to know exactly what you have packed. What is even better, is that you can plan and determine what gear you need for a shoot and add that event with the gear list to the app. Once that is done, when you scan your gear bag, you can see on the app what equipment is in the bag, what is missing, and what may have been packed but not needed. This is great for efficiency and making sure that you are not carrying around extra weight.

The Gear Eye Starter kit is available for pre-order via the Gear Eye website for $185.

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