Make learning easier with this $49.99 app

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NEWS – Don’t have time to get through your to-read pile but still want to learn new things? With 12min, you can get insights from thousands of best-sellers, and it’s only $49.99 for life.

Every student has the same number of hours in a day, and they fill up quickly between work, school, and so much more. Whether you’re trying to learn a new skill or just improve as a person, you might not have time to do important self-led learning by reading top non-fiction books.

The solution isn’t to create more time. It’s to make reading take less of it. With 12min, you can get key insights from thousands of best-selling non-fiction books, and it only takes a few minutes to read or listen to them. Instead of paying $362 for a 12min lifetime subscription, you can get one for just $49.99, but that may not last forever.

Turn Learning Into a Hobby

12min isn’t just a book summary app. It pulls insights from over 2,500 titles across 24 categories to create brief, useful lessons that don’t require you to dedicate 20 hours to get through. You might not have time to read a tome, but how about 12 minutes to read a bite-sized lesson that also tells you if the entire book is actually worth reading for you?

Bonus: 12min is available on your mobile device. Android or iPhone, it’s right there, so you can pull up something to read whenever you have a few spare minutes. You could even listen to your insights instead or download them for offline access.

Learn When You Can

Books are an investment, and let’s face it, not all of them pay off. Learn the key lessons from top-selling books and quickly determine whether the next title in your to-be-read list is a page-turner or a total dud.

Get a 12min Premium Lifetime Plan for just $49.99 (reg. $362).

StackSocial prices subject to change. 

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