Raise your BBQ game with an ASMOKE Portable Applewood Pellet Grill

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – It’s a high accomplishment to become the backyard Grill Master. And higher still to graduate from the sophomore level of scorching hot dogs and hamburger patties to quality BBQ with complexity: slow cooking, smoked, or roasting. Artisan grilling that demands time, patience, attention, and skill.

ASMOKE has an Indiegogo campaign looking for funding towards the production of a compact, portable pellet grill and their own quality line of applewood pellets.

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The ASMOKE grill is a compact unit with digital temperature regulation, automatic pellet delivery, and integrated meat temperature probe. My previous grilling experience has been with large gas grills (difficult to control temperature, not good at smoking and slow-cooking) and insulated ceramic grills with an oval shape (expensive, bulky). ASMOKE’s pellet grill is aimed at the sweet spot of precise temperature management and portability.

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The hopper on the left side of the grill contains a load of pellets, while an augur delivery screw moves pellets into the electrical burner to meet the set temperature range. The grill only requires a 120V electrical source and can be run while tailgating with a 12V inverter. No more running out of propane or gas, and easy to clean with an internal drip tray and external grease bucket.

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The campaign gives proportional time and focus to the fuel source: applewood pellets made without flavor oils, apple mash, or hardwood.

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The pellet pro/con chart on the ASMOKE campaign page testifies that the pellets are more efficient in the delivery of heat per pound of fuel, lower ash production, and fewer pellets used to deliver the ranges of smoking/slow cooking/searing temperatures. Smoking or slow-cooking for the required long times can burn through fuel, and the ASMOKE grill has a 4lb hopper capacity and the digital integration to deliver only the pellets needed to maintain the exact temperature. This feels like a win for anyone who has run their hopper dry in the middle of a 14-hour smoking session.

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The ASMOKE Indiegogo campaign has reached two of their initial stretch goals, and is closing in on the last and highest stretch goal with 4226% subscription leading into the July 4th deadline. Backing options include a single, stand-alone grill, a grill/pellet combo, and a two-grill package. Each grill comes with accessories including the temperature probe, meat tongs, and meat claws for lifting and shredding.

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The ASMOKE Applewood Pellet Grill is versatile; able to handle any smoking, searing, or braising that’s needed. It’s portable in size even with 256 square inches of cooking space. And, it’s smart enough to allow precise temperature control and fuel management for either fast or slow cooking.

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Check out the campaign at their Indiegogo page or their ASMOKE company website.

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