Ti Mini Pen – Notable crowdfunding campaign

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – I appreciate a good writing instrument, and even more when it’s durable and can be an integral part of my EDC.  That’s why the Ti Mini Pen Kickstarter campaign piqued my interest immediately.

What is it?

The Ti Mini Pen is a short, twist-action pen made from machined Titanium.  It includes a matching Titanium “quick-pull” bead attached to its end via a length of mini paracord.  Perfect to slide out of your pocket, jot some notes or sign a check, then slide it back in and off you go.


Why do I like it?

I’m a fan of short pens like the legendary Fisher Space Bullet Pen, pens which are super durable and because of their reduced size can easily slip into a bag, pouch, purse, or pocket or just about any EDC or travel kit.  I’m also a big fan of Titanium for its low weight compared to its strength and durability.  The Ti Mini Pen checks these boxes and more.  At only 3 inches in length, it’s short but still quite functional.  Its ink cartridge can easily and quickly be swapped out and it can accept virtually any “D1” refill on the market, of which there are literally dozens in many widths, inks, and colors.  Also, the Ti Mini Pen is available in three colors: Machined Raw, Stonewashed, and DLC Black.  The icing on the cake: campaign creators Chadwick Parker and Joe Huang of Big Idea Design, LLC have successfully delivered dozens of Kickstarter campaigns for all manner of useful gadgets since 2011.  Although I do feel the need to point out that their claim “Titanium has natural antibacterial properties (i.e. commonly used in surgical implants)” is a bit of marketing embellishment.  I’ve been a biomedical engineering designing and testing surgical implants in the medical device field for over 20 years; Ti alloys are most certainly used in implants, but for other properties, not antibacterial. 🙂 .


Where can I find more info?

The Ti Mini Pen campaign ends in 26 days on February 19, 2020, and has already far surpassed its funding goal of $1,000. Pledge packages start at $25 for a single Ti Mini Pen and increase from there depending on the options selected.  After the end of the campaign period, rewards are expected to start shipping in June 2020. Visit the Ti Mini Pen campaign site for more information or to become a backer.

3 thoughts on “Ti Mini Pen – Notable crowdfunding campaign”

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  2. Mr Jacobs:
    If I wanted to discuss my medical patent idea on a non-disclosure basis, would you be able to assist? I need input on the engineering aspects.

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