Discover your inner short order cook with the Blackstone 28″ outdoor griddle

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NEWS – I love cooking outdoors, and I’ve used gas grills, charcoal grills, and even pizza ovens (check out my review for the Ooni Koda). But I saw something recently that I’ve never seen before for outdoor cooking, an outdoor griddle. The Blackstone 28” Griddle Cooking Station basically takes the griddle from the back of your favorite Greasy Spoon and moves it outdoors.

The Cooking Station features 34,000 BTU’s from two H-style burners, electronic ignition, and a cold-rolled 10 gauge steel griddle top. Perhaps the best thing about the griddle is the copious amount of cooking space it has. 448-inches to be exact. That’s enough to cook 18 hamburgers or 44 hot dogs.

The other thing that I like is that you can cook things on it that you can’t cook on a typical grill. Foods like bacon, eggs, and pancakes and dishes like stir-fries. Imagine cooking burgers on one side and grilling up toppings like onions and mushrooms on the other. Hungry yet?

It’s also easy to clean because of the new rear grease management system.

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I’m not sure that an outdoor griddle can replace my gas grill, but the 28” Blackstone Griddle Cooking Station has me wanting to give it a try. The Blackstone 28” griddle is priced at $199.99, for more info or to purchase head over to Blackstone.

1 thought on “Discover your inner short order cook with the Blackstone 28″ outdoor griddle”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. we use one of the smaller blackstones on the road

    the grease trap saves the camper from smelling like a burger joint

    the only quibble we’ve had with it is the lack of a windscreen
    we cut cardboard screens to block the wind and trap splatter

    the greasy cardboard makes excellent firestarter

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