The Neck Hammock provides ultimate relaxation and pain relief

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NEWS – If you work at a desk all day or like most people spend hours looking down at a computer or phone screen you probably experience some degree of neck pain. I know I do and it seems like nothing helps to relieve that nagging discomfort. The Neck Hammock is a cervical traction device created by a physical therapist that helps you gently stretch out the muscles in your neck. Providing a dose of relief from aches, kinks, and pain in as little as 10 minutes a day.

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It’s basically a sling that cradles your head and neck that’s easily adjustable to hang at the right height from a doorknob or railing. How high you hang it and how long you use it is entirely up to you. And even if you don’t suffer from any kind of pain, it’s a perfect way to just relax and zen out for a few minutes after a long day.

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Neck Hammock is hand washable, portable, and lightweight. Making it great for in-home use or stretching out post-travel stiffness.

It even comes complete with a travel pouch, eye cover, a “do not open” door sign, a guided meditation audio file, and instructions.

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The Neck Hammock is available on The Grommet for $49.95.

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