Cooking is easy as pie with this smart kitchen scale

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The Drop Scale, paired with its app, is the easy way to find and prepare what’s for dinner.  The Drop Recipe app has hundreds of recipes to choose from, and the app guides you, step-by-step, through adding each ingredient as you go.  Weighing and measuring with the scale is interactive with the app, so if you find you are short of an ingredient, the app can rescale the amounts of the other ingredients so you can still make the recipe.  If you are missing an ingredient, the app can suggest a suitable substitution.

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The app works with most Android 5.0 or later devices and most Apple iPads, iPhones, and iPod touches running iOS 9 or later.

  • Units: Weighs in ounces or grams
  • Capacity: From 6 kg (13 lbs) to under a gram (0.1 oz)
  • Material: FDA approved non slip Silicone.
  • Battery: Coin Cell (included).
  • Expected Battery Life: 1 year of normal use.
  • Dimensions: 5.5 x 6.5 x 1 inch
  • Weight: 10oz

You can even use your device to photograph your results to share on social networks.

The Recipe app is free, and the Drop scale is $79.95 directly from Drop or at Amazon.

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