Too busy to mow your lawn? Let the WORX Landroid do it instead!

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The WORX Landroid cuts out more time for you to enjoy your outdoor space when the weather is at its best. Similar to a Roomba — a robot vacuum, — the Landroid combs your lawn looking for disorderly grass in order to leave a well-manicured lawn in its wake. Think about all you could do with the time saved from not mowing your lawn all summer long.

Minimal maintenance

Rather than having your Landroid mowing the entire neighborhood’s yards, you have the option to set up a boundary for your mower.

This low-voltage wire requires installation on the inner and outer perimeters of your lawn. Depending on the size of your lawn, the installation process could take a few hours as it’s done by hand. Fortunately, the Landroid requires minimal maintenance once it undergoes installation.

Keep in mind, you’ll likely have to use a weed trimmer to achieve a perfect cut since the boundaries will prevent the mower from getting too close the perimeter of your yard.

Reasonably priced

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For all of the time it saves you, the Landroid’s price tag competes with other high-end mowers. Priced just under $1,000, you’ll still find many of the same features found on more expensive models.

A unique algorithm maneuvers the machine around lawn decorations with ease and can guide itself through tight spaces.

The mower can efficiently cut up to a quarter acre with ease. And since curb appeal stakes a large factor in home sales, a well-cut lawn could be the difference in thousands of dollars in added home value.


Equipped with a docking staging, capable of re-charging the Landroid in under 45 minutes, the mower can sense rain and will quickly retreat to its home base.

This sensing ensures your investment will stay in top shape through inclement weather.

Sounds of silence


When operating, the Landroid has a similar sound decimal to an air conditioning wall unit.

The less-intrusive white noise hum, compared to a gasoline-powered mower, allows you to mow without notifying the entire neighborhood. You also have the option to run the mower at night or early in the morning.

The mower has programmable features to run when you set it to, or you can let its sensors decide when it should mow next.

The Landroid turns a weekly chore into a maintenance task that you now administer rather than toil over. Your grass will have an everlasting groomed look.

Increased functionality

While the Landroid keeps your grass uniform, it doesn’t have an option for artistic patterns. You might miss your diamond shaped lawn masterpieces, but you’ll gain increased functionality.

The Landroid easily mows inclines up to 20 degrees and involves minimal decision making — you can modify the grass cut setting between 1.5 to four inches in height.

The state of your lawn conveys various messages about your personality.

The Landroid allows your yard to look more put together so you can focus your energy on life’s more valuable moments.

For more info visit and Amazon where they are currently selling for $916.

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