Yongnuo Speedlite YN600EX-RT II for Canon Cameras may just be the right flash for you

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Yongnuo Speedlite YN600EX RT II for Canon Cameras
Flash photography is frequently used by photographers both indoors and outdoors for many types of photography. Indoors, flashes can be used for portrait photography, some types of product photography, and most other types of indoor events. The cost of on-camera flashes ranges from less than $100 to over $1000, varying by type, and features, and manufacturer. Like most photographers, I have multiple on-camera flashes, and there is always a new and/or better one available. I decided that the key to being able to afford the flashes that I want and need, is to find the right features at right price for my Canon DSLR cameras.

Recently, I have been paying more attention to a company called Yongnuo. They make several different types of photography equipment including on-camera flashes. One model that caught my attention is the Yongnuo Speedlite YN600EX-RT II for Canon Cameras.

The first feature that is really important for a Canon DSLR owner is that this flash is 100% compatible with Canon’s 2.4 GHz flash trigger system, and E-TTL / E-TTL II proprietary metering system. It has a 197’ guide number at ISO 100 and 200mm, and a great range of 20 to 200mm. It can be adjusted for bounce lighting from -7 degrees thru 90 degrees, and it rotates 180 degrees left and right. It has a decent recycle time of 3 seconds, and whatever settings you choose can be saved for the next use. There is a PC sync port for off-camera firing, the usual built-in bounce card, and it runs on 4 AA batteries. Its firmware can be updated via USB.

If you would like to check out this flash or just go ahead and purchase one, you can head over to B&H Photo Video and grab it for just $110.

3 thoughts on “Yongnuo Speedlite YN600EX-RT II for Canon Cameras may just be the right flash for you”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Hi Julian, Since you seem to the the go to guy for all the camera stuff I wanted to ask you a question about flashes. Have you found one that is close to Canon’s 600 EX II-RT in terms of recycle time? I need to get a good flash with really fast recycle time because I will be taking pictures at graduation ceremonies. You know, where they are getting the diploma and doing the handshake. I will need at least 2 with one being there for a backup in case the other fails. Spending $500 twice does not appeal to me at all. I was just curious if you had found any others that were comparable. 3 seconds is pretty good, but the last think I want to do is keep people waiting on stage.

    1. Hi Lynn,
      So happy to hear from you, and I am glad that you are enjoying the news stories and reviews. The issue with recycle time is one that many of us struggle with. It is a matter of balance since cost is a factor. A few weeks ago, I did write about an option that has just about zero recycle time. You can read the article and see if that will work for you. It does not look like the typical flash, but the specs make it one that I would love to get my hands on. Here is the article:

  3. I bought my first two about 6 years ago. They are getting less use as I age out of the really competitive commercial market but I do lots of event work for gratis at local non profits. I have really loved these in no small part because of the price. I think they are totally compatible with and equal to (almost) the equivalent Canon product at $650 plus.

    I have a few more years of productive creative work and wish there was an update for the product

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