Windows 10 is coming, are you ready?

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Windows 10

If you don’t already know (or if you have not reserved your copy) Windows 10 is launching tomorrow July 29, 2015. Although that in itself is not groundbreaking or earth shattering news, the fact that you can get it for free is. Now, don’t get me wrong I am not the biggest Windows fan, but this new version looks rather promising. The new Windows 10 from Microsoft will have such features as;

  • Cortana, a personal assistant
  • Microsoft Edge, a new browser
  • Xbox Live and the Xbox app, the ability to stream from your Xbox to your PC
  • Windows Hello, a biometric authentication system

You can get more information on how to get a free copy or new features that will be available from the Windows Blog page or the Microsoft web page. So ready or not here it comes.

3 thoughts on “Windows 10 is coming, are you ready?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I thought Windows 8 looked bad with its kindergartener-art-project inspired theme, but Windows 10 is a total joke and far worse. It might have some good features, but it looks so fugly that it would be like punishment every time you go to use the computer. Count me out – I’ll stick with Vista, 7, and 8 for the time being.

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