Awesome October gadget giveaway!

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Hello gadget fans, it’s time for another fun gadget giveaway. This time around I have 4 prizes that will help you protect, power, sense and sprout. Yes, I said sprout. You need these prizes, so enter the contest. Come on, it’s quick and easy and you might win! Full details after the jump.


1 lucky winner will win 1 each of the following prizes – 4 prizes in total:


Snow Lizard: SLPower 7

  • Portable back up battery featuring 2 USB connectors for on the go use Boasting a 7000 mAh battery the SLPower has enough power to rapidly charge your iPad, tablet and smartphone
  • Designed for on the go use, the low profile charger provides power and portability at just over 17mm tall
  • 2 USB connections – Dedicated iPhone Connection and USB connection for tablets and smartphones

Price: $69.99


Acase: Citta for iPhone 5

  • Elegantly complements the iPhone 5’s clean and sleek look
  • Perfectly contours the iPhone 5’s borders for supreme protection
  • Interlocking diamond textured back provides visual depth and added grip

Price: $16.95


Click & Grow: Smart Flower Pot

  • Easy-to-Use: No gardening knowledge is necessary, Click & Grow measures all the necessary parameters and doses an exact amount of water, fertilizer and air, according to the plant’s needs
  • Smart Technology: The smartpot is made of ABS plastic and includes a processor, microchip, battery vault, pump, water reservoir and sensor that specifies if plant needs water or batteries
  • Plant Assortment: mini tomato, cockscomb, basil, painted nettle, chili pepper, thyme, busy Lizzy, lemon balm, parsley, China pink, garden sage, lamb’s ear and sugar leaf; Click & Grow is always testing plants to expand their selection

Price: $79.99 (starter kit)


Zensorium: Tinké

  • A wellness & stress monitor for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that tracks and measures heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen level and also your stress levels derived from your heart rate variability
  • A personalized cardiorespiratory score that is created by piecing data collected from heart rate, blood oxygen level and respiratory rate
  • Zen Index: Using heart rate variability as a basis, a personalized score for your stress levels is determined from analyzing the rhythm of your heart rate

Price: $119

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 10/21/2013 11:59PM EST leave a comment with ideas for how-to posts or articles you’d like to read.

2. At some point on 10/22/2013, I’ll pick 1 random winner using The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to claim their prizes. If I do not receive an answer to my emails in that time period, I’ll do other drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Gadgeteer writers, family members and close friends may not enter this contest.

3. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

4. Winner must have a US shipping address.


The winner is Greg Wyatt comment #43. Congrats to Greg and thanks to everyone who submitted an entry in the contest!
Thank you also to the sponsors for this contest.

98 thoughts on “Awesome October gadget giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. If you haven’t already done one recently, I’d like to see an updated writeup on and comparison of the various device-location tag options out there (e.g. Cobra Tag, StickNFind, etc.). {Jonathan}

  3. I have been enjoying your website for a lot of years, when you first started with PDA’s, I believe! I really enjoy the home automation reviews, so I would like to see more of those.


  4. I really like all of your reviews because they are from a wide range of products. Your opinions on product are valued by many! I personally enjoy the unusual non typical products that really make me think, wow I would like one of those.

  5. I believe I have been checking you website daily for the last 3-4 years and have bought quite a few things. I would like to see more gadgets for the home controlled by your iPhone reviewed. Also I would love to see cool tools for the home reviewed as well.


  6. I love your site and am a daily visitor. I am also into photography and would like to see more photo hardware and software reviews. Thanks Julie and the gang. Keep up the good work…

  7. I also wouldn’t mind seeing more household gadgets checked out. 🙂 keep up the great work


  8. I’d like to hear more about long term use of some of your favorite gadgets. Have any of your initial impressions changed over time?

  9. I would LOVE a how-to on installing Win8 on a Macbook and then also how-to share files on same DATA-FILES partition, so I wouldn’t have to transfer files through the cloud.

  10. I would love to see some more reviews and articles on some small startup gadget! I love startup, and their awesome new technologies 🙂

  11. After a bit of research I made a great phone stand out of an old credit card, I would love to see some more of these kind of articles or reviews.

  12. I have been enjoying this site for a number of years and appreciate your hard work and value the many reviews. The Click and Grow reminded me of a remote irrigation system for gardening that can be wirelessly monitored. In light of that, this novice gardener would like to see an article about how to maximize the gardening experience by using technology for irrigation, monitoring soil conditions, testing air quality for humidity to estimate fungus growth, (and whatever else you can come up with), all while being in another state or country. Maybe some automated bots or quad-coptors for visuals would be nice to add. Hmmm. Are you up to that challenge?

  13. I like the gadgets that are practical and I do not have time to find myself. Not a gadget person per say, it must have an outright use and not just a gimmick.

  14. I enjoy the reviews of various bags, backpacks, etc. I also like the articles about various Kickstarter campaigns – very helpful in finding things I might like to support!

  15. Let’s get specific…. I would like a run-down of the best video streaming options for component video out (since not all our tv’s have hdmi, but they are still HD)

    Also, would love to see a comparison of TV providers and their tablet apps…maybe their technology and advanced services.

  16. I love to see articles on comparing accessories for gadgets, like comparing iPad covers, or iPhone cases.

  17. Great articles !!!!!

    I would like to see articles in the future that answers a question, and suggests gadgets to solve that problem, e.g. ” it’s the middle if the winter, and I’m stranded with car trouble. How do I best diagnose my car trouble , and inform my colleagues at work of my situation, and contribute to a joint project that needs my input without me not being there?

  18. How about an article on gel-cell lead acid battery charger-power supply combos that can jump off a car battery or power usb accessories. These are available to charge from home power or directly from a cigarette lighter outlet in a car, with some available that have solar power charging capability.

  19. Do How-To’s on situations/functions, e.g. apps for taking meeting notes on a tablet, organizing apps, etc.

  20. Like to see articles on “best practices” for using Android tablets to increase personal productivity.

  21. I like to read about the gadgets that are good enough that you keep using them – the what’s in my bag or what’s in my car or what’s in my office gadgets that are keepers. One of the things that I find frustrating is when multiple reviews of the same type of item (flashlight, multi-tool, gear bag, case, etc.) are posted but the items aren’t compared to help me choose between them.

  22. I would love to hear more about any interesting KickStarter, Indiegogo or any crowd-fund gadgets. There are so many interesting projects but as a reader, I just don’t have enough time in the day to filter through.
    Anything the Gadgeteer brings to attention would definitely be beneficial.

  23. I’d like to see a couple of items:

    1. A round up of light bulb alternatives. Most of us know how many watts of incandescent we need for our lighting requirements, but how does that translate to other forms?

    2. how to set up a wireless speaker system throughout the house.

  24. Love the blog. I keep looking for the perfect case you can carry in your pocket to hold my two office access cards and MetroCard, RFID blocking wallets, the perfect phone case, the perfect iPad case, the perfect waterproof zippered bag that’s big enough but not too big to haul everything in each day – in other words, gadgets for holding gadgets!

  25. My Christmas/Birthday/Mother’s Day wish list for the next few years is quite full. Needless to say, my husband cringes when I show him another item you’ve reviewed that I want. I’m not sure if he cringes because the list is long or because I may have to ask his help.

    Anyway, ideas:
    * Since our household has both IOS (it’s like having a Pepsi child in a Coke household) and Android sharing music, apps, or schedules with my son is not easy. So, an artcle on ways to share between cross devices would be great. But, it needs to be for people like me: I want to be a techie, but honestly, I’m inept with technology. So simple apps that are smart enough to figure it out would be great!

    *Also, tech gadgets for exercise. I really want an earphone with a single ear bud. I like to know if a car is coming. Or maybe there’s a bluetooth ear bud that is comfortable while running or waterproof while swimming. I’m a high maintenance runner, but don’t like to look like it, so gadgets that are easily hidden really rank at the top…kind of like the Flip Belt. Hides the stuff, but looks like the waistband to the exercise pants/short/capris.

    Have a great day!

  26. I would like to see an article about all the wireless earbuds you have tried explaining which ones you like best with the cost comparisons.

  27. I’d love to see a comparison article on iPhone controlled/accessible home automation/security systems.

  28. Someone took mine…like the other commenters before me said. Home automation. Also, I can never get enough about new edc gadgets and tools.

  29. I’d like to see more long term reviews. Every site does reviews of new products, I like the viewpoint of having used those products for a few months day to day and how they hold up.

  30. I’d like to see more gadget comparisons. You all have access to so many cool gadgets, it is helpful in the reviews to see what phone X looks like compared to phone Y – size, shape, camera quality, screen resolution and brightness. Even Julie’s latest comparison of working remotely from her Nexus vs. her normal work using a Mac Book Air is great.

  31. Thanks Julie. I visit daily and love the reviews. I would like to see more long term views. How things are holding up over the long run.

  32. I’m fascinated with medical (or quasi-medical) diagnostic uses for smartphones, like the aforementioned Zensorium. I’d like to see more of those kinds of “gadgets” (or apps) featured and/or reviewed.

  33. I would like to see a how-to on setting up a home media network. Sharing media between computers and game systems.

  34. A comparison of GPS apps and/or devices would be wonderful. As well as a comparison of sketching programs on the Android.

  35. For reviews, I would love to see how well various solar chargers work when solely depending on sunlight to charge.

    For how-to, I would be interested to see tips on how to reduce the number of adapters and cords needed for a gadget-filled trip. My suitcase was pulled aside by TSA at least once because I had brought enough cords and chargers for our whole family’s collection of gadgets: 3x cell phones, 4x cameras, iPad, laptop.

  36. I’d to read articles by two, or three, gadgeteers giving different point of view about the same device.

  37. I would like to see more reviews of pocket-sized gadgets like the Gerber Shard. The little, every-day items that you find that you can’t live without once you have them; those are the things that interest me.

  38. With a garage full of “legacy” equipment (e-mate anyone?)too good to trash I’d love an article or three about the sort of interfaces/dongles/adaptors and software that allow modern gear to hook-up to older style peripherals. Thanks for my daily fix of geek juice.

  39. I’d like to see more car audio gadget reviews, as well as, ideas for adding tablets or phablets as a replacement or in addition to the primary music & gps car equipment. I’ve seen a lot of great DIY and professional installations (Soundman). It would be nice to see more kits available across all OS platforms for cars not equipped with expensive infotainment systems. Thanks! RLee

  40. I really enjoyed seeing what you all carry on a daily basis, including all the gadgets. I’d like to see an article on how you decide to carry on what days, and how to cover all the daily needs with products you use, or have reviewed.

  41. I’d like seeing more reviews on vegan faux leather cases for tablets, phones, notebooks, etc. because they’re always cheaper and stronger than real leather. 🙂 Also more daily, practical gadgets? Love gadgets of all kinds!

  42. I’d like to read more on how get the most out of the latest new gadget I.e. Wrist phones….touch keyboard cover for ipad

  43. I have a habit of always checking this site when I have a specific gadget or category I intend to purchase so that I make the best choice. I would love to see more gadgets applicable to cars and the modern/future home.

  44. Hello,

    I would like to read an “shoot out” or comparison article on stylii. I realize this is a rather subjective matter, but with several Gadgeteer staff conducting a comparative, I am sure it would be possible to provide a ranking.


    Aryeh Goretsky

  45. I would like to see a review of the Streamlight Sidewinder Compact II head lamp. It can use AAA, AA, or CR123 batteries. I like the flexability of the different batteries, but how good is the head lamp?

  46. I like your reviews about how you use technology, this week vacationing using a tablet instead of laptop was great, practical and helped me in business travel. More the uses and application of the new gadgets. I also like the bags and gear/accessories reviews, there are so many to pick from!

  47. I need gadgets that work to make my life easier, but I don’t have a lot of expendable income, so I love the Kickstarter ideas when one can contribute a smaller amount, as well as less-expensive gadgets for cooking and camping (or both!).

  48. Thanks for this giveaway opportunity! I would love some how-to articles re building an app or how to code a basic webform that feeds into a database. As far as articles, what you all post is pretty great. Thanks!!!

  49. I would like to see reviews of phone apps. A favorite app diary maybe? I have Apple and Android devices and I use lot’s of web apps.

  50. With so many smart watch offerings and possible new ones on the horizon, I haven’t really seen a good comparison review of them. I would like to see an article comparing current smart watch offerings including exercise ones like fitbit.

  51. Love the articles with all of the cutting edge technologies and creature comforts. I’d like to see a few “survival” gadgets now and then. Things you can use in case of emergency or for camping etc.

  52. I am planning on building my own computer and wanted to see some articles on some of the best and most reliable components out in the market and which would be best for different purposes.

  53. I would like to see in-depth reviews of new apps. I should think that app designers would love for you to plug their apps, since most of the apps I learn about are from word of mouth.

  54. I think you have a great mix of articles. However, I would enjoy articles on some of the quirky, odd-ball gadgets that come out of Japan!!

  55. I LOVE your site. Although, it makes me find too many I think “need”! More computer and travel gadgets, please.

  56. I just got the LG G2 phone and have been trying to find a good credit card hard case with slot in back. If you find one can you do an article on the pro/cons?

  57. Mark Hauerspergee

    I would like to see more reviews on items associated with Samsung equipment. In particular to the Galaxy Note 10.1

  58. I’d like to see the options for solving the problem of modernizing a spare room in a house. Modernizing includes making wifi and/or network available at high speed, adding a 40″-48″ TV that can handle some normal apps (hulu, netflix, Amazon Media). Here are the limits: I have a FiOS cable drop in the room, but it’s TOO remote for decent wifi signal from the rest of the house. I’d like to use the TV to share what an android or iOS tablet is showing. I will want decent sound in the room and a good bluetooth portable speaker would be the best multipurpose option. Finally, the items should not carry ’boutique’ prices. I have a family to feed and kids to launch in to college. Every $100 counts. Are you up for the challenge?

  59. Some time ago there was a TV news item about a couple whose baby monitor internet connection was somehow hacked and an unknown man’s voice was heard over the monitor microphone in the baby’s room. I have been concerned about this kind of thing with other internet enabled home security monitors and other home control devices. Do you think this was legitimate hacking and what do you think about the devices. I have probably missed comments you have had in the past on this issue. Thanks for all the info and tips.

  60. I’ve enjoyed your website for years and love all of your articles.

    I really enjoy your “EDC” posts and I would love to see those continually updated as technology and items change/upgrade. Why you choose what you carry.

    Keep bringing on those awesome kickstarter projects you find. I find it hard to find some projects on kickstarter but you guys manage to find the best ones.

    As far as how-to’s I believe you cover quite a bit already. Your reviews are top notch and kind of provide a “how-to.”

  61. I’d like to see a how-to article on gadgets that are actually effective at helping you lose weight / get fit. The before and after pictures of staff are what sell this article. Commitment is key to getting in shape but maybe there is an actual gadget that bugs you about commitment?

  62. Have been an avid reader of your site for years! Would love to see a review and comparison of the top personal budgeting apps/software for consumers. YNAB as compared to others. Much appreciated and keep up the great work!


  63. Hey – love your site! Would like to hear your opinions about gadgets to use in Europe when traveling there. I have heard that the power adapters don’t really work (they tend to blow fuses at older hotels) so i am looking for something to take with me from the US.

  64. A history/time-line of PDA’s starting with the first palm pilot and going all the way to last Palm Pre would be cool. Include any reviews you did for them. Throw some Psion’s in and maybe some casio origanizers if you ever did a review of them.

  65. Have you heard of the Sphero? It’s a ball that is controlled by your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Android device. It’s a bit pricey but seems like fun. They just came out with Version 2.0. I would like to see what you think of it via a review.

  66. I enjoy your site, especially since my friends call me Gadget Man. I would like to see something on Blue Tooth noise cancelling headphones.

  67. I really appreciated your review of the MagicJack Plus and decided to get it based on your recommendation. My comment would be that I appreciate your tips on navigating through the screens so as not to end up ordering things that are unwanted and unnecessary expenses. For those over 50 who are not so tech-savvy, these kinds of tips are an important addition to reviews. Thanks

  68. I’d like to see review on any and all products that I could use for my iPhione5. Also reviews on the good headphones our there.

  69. I’d like to see a CD organizer that can fit into a typical legal file cabinet of wide variety (~48″) that can increase the capacity of a cabinet. The inserts could sit on a rail system within the cabinet, that itself could be adapted to fit onto the “hang system” that is within most “file” cabinets. This rail system would allow multiple levels within the file drawer that could be stacked within each drawer and allow rapid reorganization of said CDs “on the fly”. The inserts could slide along the rail system and be moved to lower or upper levels.

  70. I’d like to see app reviews and comparisons for Android, such as shopping lists, notes, weather radar etc. There are so many apps and I especially like to find out what privacy they are taking before downloading them. Too many apps want your contacts and phone records when they do not need them.

    I love home use gadget reviews, like water bottles, and the purse separator device listed today. I also like stylus reviews.

  71. How to root an Android phone, or at least unlock the boot loader. How to side load apps onto an Android device. There are some settings that I know people have a hard time finding on Android such as changing the default text size, that would always be helpful.

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