HP updates the Slate 500 and names it Slate 2

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HP-Slate-2HP has just released an update for their Windows 7 based slate tablet.  The newer Slate 2 has a faster Atom processor at 1.5 GHz, Swype input support and 32GB SSD to start.  They also changed the backing of their Slate 2 to be flat instead of the diamond style they had in the previous model.  Still no integrated stylus slot and you’re still stuck with a disappointing 3 MP rear facing camera.  On the upside, HP has lowered the starting price to $699.

2 thoughts on “HP updates the Slate 500 and names it Slate 2”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I’m a bit confused right now,

    You know HP. I don’t know what you are doing, but I hope you are using plenty of Lube where your putting your head right now. You announce you love WebOS and Tablets, You release a very nice tablet then stab it in the back. You say WebOS and Tablets have no future in your company. You then Tell us that PC have no future in your company. Then you announce that your PC division is totally Awesome and pulling in huge profits while attempting to spin/sell it off. Then the press release comes out saying you are keeping the PC division. You are now releasing a new tablet after telling us there is no future at HP for tablets, and finally the announcement that HP see’s a rich future for the WebOS architecture under HP. .

    Dear HP, I think it’s time you stop managing your company decisions either by Monkey of a 20 Sided dice. “Rolled a 4 and 7, Ron, what does that mean?” ……”Means we have to sell off our PC division, or your mage just vanquished the Balaj in the lower catacombs it’s really kinda hard to tell with these dice sometimes”.

  3. I was going to go for Tigerdirect’s Touchpad bundle initially, then I just became sick of this whole HP fiasco. I hated companies trying to make opportunity out of this so that they can shove stuff that I don’t want for the sake of still it is better price. Same thing for the BB forcing HP PCs so you can get Touchpad. I will just go for something else later on with future improvement. Either IPad or Android Tablets. So long anything HP tablets. Good riddance!

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