Take Out Your Frustrations on the RageGage

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ragegageWhen the irritations of the day get too much for you, take out your frustrations on the RageGage.  It claims to be a “marriage of cutting edge psychological research and modern high tech electronic device design. The device is designed to detect whether you are adequately and healthfully releasing your pent up anger.”  If it determines you aren’t hitting the soft gel pad hard enough, it will taunt you until you hit harder; if it “detects unsafe rage levels, it will begin to issue calming instructions to bring your blood pressure back down.”  You can add character voices like “POTUS”, “Lush Rimbaugh”,  and “Valley Girl”, and you can even create your own voices.  You can use the pad as a game controller for online and downloadable  games.  RageGage is available in 10 different designs.  It usually sells for $24.99, but it’s available now for $19.99.  Add-on voices are usually $0.99 each, but they are available free right now.

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