Shure SE535 Earphones Review

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Shure SE535 5

The Shure SE535 earphones are a study in contrasts between frustration and nirvana. Boy, this wide-open gap in opinion is going to need some explaining.

Shure is one of the better known headphone/earphone companies around, so when they announce a new model, it’s news. A few months ago, they introduced the SE535, which replaces the SE530 model. The 530 has long been – and still is – a favorite among Shure fans and has become one of those earphones that others are judged against. Shure could have stopped there and many customers would have been okay with that. But they didn’t. They set out to improve an already iconic model. Did they succeed?

As a triple-armature design with one tweeter and two woofers, The 535s differ from some other triple armature models that are a tweeter/mid/woofer configuration. What Shure’s approach accomplishes is an increase in bass for a warmer, less analytical sound, something armatures can be infamous for.

Shure SE535 3

The bronze colored (also available in clear) 535s arrived with Shure’s smooth, black, proprietary foam tips attached. I had trouble getting a good seal with them, so I opted for the supplied bright yellow “rougher” foam tips (boy, are they ugly). That’s when I ran into the frustration. The original tips felt like they were super-glued on. I twisted and pulled the tips with no luck. I just could not remove them. Since the shell is made of plastic and the sound tubes are on the thin side, I was worried that I might break them. A tech-support person at Shure suggested I put the earphones in a plastic zippered freezer bag and place them in the freezer overnight. I kid you not. So I did. The next morning, the tips twisted off with not much effort. Now, should I really have to do that with a $500 pair of earphones? Once I had the tips replaced though, I was able to get the correct seal with the yellow foam tips.

Even with the use of the yellow tips, the 535s were not as comfortable for me as I had hoped when listening for extended periods. The sound tubes on the shells are pretty long, which can be good and bad. Good, because you can get a killer seal – the only way to get good bass – and bad because well, they go very deep into your ear and while that doesn’t bother me, it can be off-putting for some people. They weren’t uncomfortable, but sometimes I listen to music for 6-8 hours straight and comfort became an issue over those longer listening times.

Shure SE535 2

I really like the fact that the cables snap-on/off, which means that if anything happens to the cables, just replace ‘em. After snapping and unsnapping the connections when I first received the 535s, I couldn’t imagine why everyone wasn’t doing detachable cables. It seems like a no-brainer. The gold-plated cable plug swivels 360° at the connection point which makes for a better fit. This design requires that you wrap the cable over and behind your ear. An added benefit of placing the cable behind the ear is that it cuts down on microphonics, an audibly distracting thumping from tapping or rubbing against the cable.

Befitting earphones in this price range, the 535s come with a slew of accessories. There are many tips available in varying sizes, shapes and materials. Also included is a strong, zippered  carrying case, a 1/4” plug adapter, volume control extension, and an airline adapter for travelers. It all comes neatly packed in a black and silver brushed-aluminum box.

Shure SE535 4

The cables come with what Shure calls a Wireform Fit. Basically, the wire that wraps behind the ear has built-in memory, which can make fitting easier. Frankly, I’m not crazy about it. For one, the cable is thick and the wireform makes it even thicker. Plus, I never could get it to shape to my ear completely. It always felt like it wasn’t going to stay in place. I found out that Shure makes a thinner cable (without Wireform Fit) and when asked, they were gracious enough to send it to me. I much prefer this thinner version. It may not be as durable in the long run but I think it’s a big improvement. I just wish Shure included this thinner cable in its packaging.

Since the 535s concentrate on the bass with two woofers, I decided to see what that sounds like. I began with the Jimi Hendrix song (and album title) “Are You Experienced?” Even though this is a 40+ year old recording, it still holds up in the remastered version. Noel Redding’s bass playing is prominent, but not in an overbearing way. The bass just rounds out this psychedelic masterpiece without becoming overbearing.

“Aerial” from Kate Bush’s latest album of the same name couldn’t be a more different recording. Bush’s high register vocals are in complete contrast to a thumping bass line that I can feel as well as hear. However, as powerful as it is, it never distorts. It remains tight and fast. My car speakers can’t handle this song, so it’s good to be able to hear exactly what Kate Bush intended.

Bass guitar, drums and synth are the main instruments in the Simple Minds’ song, “Seeing Out the Angel” from “Sons and Fascination.” The 535s allow the minor chords to accentuate Derek Forbe’s static bass plucking. You can hear his fingers cleanly snap the strings with no muddiness or echo. If you like bass, you should love this song. The 535s exhibit detail that is simply astounding.

Shure SE535 1

Apart from some minor comfort and cable thickness issues, the Shure SE535 earphones are a step up from the 530s with their detachable cables and a warm sound that still keeps its sharp edge without harshness.

So if you can stomach the high price and are looking for an audible step up, the Shure SE535s sound like nirvana and there’s a lot of the fun in trying to find what’s been hiding in your music.


Product Information

Price:$499.99 US
Retailer:Shure Online Store
  • Really good sound
  • Removable cables
  • Good selection of add-ons
  • Little to no microphonics
  • Really high price
  • Not the most comfortable earphones at this price

15 thoughts on “Shure SE535 Earphones Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I’ve actually starting using tips/sleeves made by Etymotic with my Shures. They’ve made all the difference.

    I know this may seem like a bad solution, but their competitor makes a greater variety of sleeves, what can you do?

  3. Xavier,
    I use a lot of different tips with different brands. After I am finished reviewing them, sometimes I lose track of what belongs to what.

  4. I just received my SE535 today, upgraded from SE420. My biggest surprise is that bass is definitely warmer, and since SE535 fits my ears better it’s really a big plus. Another thing worth mentioning is the HUGE soundstage SE535 can create with the right track. I literally feel like I am somewhere else when I listen to some concert records. This is beyond distinguishing various instruments in a recording, this is transcendence.

  5. My SE535’s will arrive later this week, i have great expectation since i have been using the SE425’s and as time goes by they are sounding better and better. I am using comply foam tips T400 inside which i have placed S100’s. This, as strange as it may seem worked out for me making the SE425’s sound just about perfect. If the SE535’s prove to sound even better…i don’t even know if i’ll have words…

  6. May i ask how you got the non-wireform cable? Hate it as well and have been looking high and low for a replacement but to no avail. hope its not the one with the remote and mic because that sucks too. greatly appreciated 🙂

  7. I recently bought Shure SE 535 after planning to buy it for more than a year reading reviews all around the net for several months for the earlier model SE 530 and later SE 535.

    I am a music buff and am ready to pay any amount for perfect equipment.

    I am very very dissapointed by my purchase. This headphone fits badly on my years almost hurts everytime I put and remove it. My ears are soar now and I have to really think twice before trying it again. I have not gathered the strength to wear them again since last one month.

    Sound quality is below average. My cheap creative computer headphones sound better. Bass is missing…. badly missing… vocals are low…. only treble sounds are prominent…..and irritating.

    Cannot recommend to anyone…. why did I spent one year of my life waiting to buy this crap. and shelling out $ 500/-.

  8. Deepak,
    One of the drawbacks of buying earphones is that you usually cannot try them out before you buy them. Are you sure you are using the correct tips? Did you try all of them? The wrong tips will just kill the bass. Fit is everything. I also think the cable is too thick. I prefer a thinner cable, especially if it goes around your ear.
    As I said in my review, they are not the most comfortable earphones I have ever tried.
    Do you have the option of returning them for a refund or exchange? If comfort is a major issue for you, I would recomment the Westone W4 or the Klipsch X10. The Klipsch are only one armature, but they sound great AND they are by far the most comfortable universal earphones I have ever tried, at any price.

    Bill H.

  9. I can sympathize with the painful ear problems. I have the 215’s and I had the same issue. What I learned – which I think Deepak needs to know – was that it’s all about how you put them on. Wrap around the ear first, so that the cable is pointing straight ahead or even down a little… Then pull on the cable gently, rotating the earphone into the ear canel. It takes practice to do it, but it solves both the pain and (along with futzing with the tips) the fit/sound problem.

    I still have not been able to get the tip off, even after freezing. I can get it to where I can twist, but I’m afraid of breaking the earphone, and maybe I’m not pulling hard enough. Sigh. That part is a pain in the neck.

  10. hello guys, just peace.
    I am very happy to see the comments posted, based on the comments I’m thinking of buying the RHA T10I or Shure SE425 or kef M200,

    More like I do not have much knowledge on what is the best, I will ask for help from you, please could you tell me which of treis headphones are the best,

    note: durability, ensuring technical support, sound quality – Which is better?

    Thank you for space.

  11. Bill Henderson

    It’s been a while since I’ve heard the Shure earphones and I have never heard the KEF earphones. I will say that the T10i earphones are excellent sounding plus they come with a 3 year warranty—unusual for earphones. If you need to constantly insert or remove earphones (as in an office setting), I would recommend either the Grado GR8, Klipsch X10 or Torque t103z as something to look at.

    Bill H.

  12. Hello Bill Henderson, thank you for the information,

    More Grado GR8 the headphones, Klipsch X10 or Torque t103z. not are present here in Brazil,

    the only ones I found to buy was the T10i RHA in apple and shure professional equipment store. I will use on the day, between service and house and home and service.

    Too bad where I live do not have many options esolha brand or type.

    – The only ones who ahcei were shure SE535 and SE425 shure,

    I was thinking between shure SE425 and the T10i RHA. vc which indicated to purchase?

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