CustomEVOS Clear HTC EVO Battery Cover Review

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One of the things I love about certain gadgets is how they invigorate the maker community to come up with cool replacement parts and such. Joe at IcyCell CustomEVOs is one such person who has come up with a cool crystal clear back cover for the HTC EVO.

The back cover is not just the original cover recast in a clear material. They have added a nice feature- a pair of ridges or rails along the sides of the back that help protect the back and even offer more protection for the camera. The holes for the LEDs, camera, kickstand, and speaker were perfectly aligned on my back, although a bit snug on the kickstand- nothing to worry about.

The enclosed instruction sheet mentions that it may be a snug fit and has suggestions to help, which are repeated on the site and even on a nice video, but I did not find I needed to worry about it. Went on easy, holds tight.

I'm using their photo- mine did not turn out as clearly. Notice the 'rails'.

Mine has a very slight gap around the earphone, and the upper ‘claw’ or hinge near the power button does not hold as tight as the others, but that is not a problem for me. His site shows a way to add a lanyard to the back (he sells the lanyards as well), and I might not want to do this with the weak hinge. (I have not received a reply yet when I asked about the gap and weak hinge a week ago.)

As colorful as the ‘innards’ of the EVO are, it is great to be able to show them off like this. It also makes it harder to overlook when y0u see all that red. The site also has the back in red, blue, and yellow, but why when the clear is so perfect?


Product Information

  • Added features
  • Beautiful
  • Tough
  • Mine has a slight gap and a weak hinge
  • Mine has a permanent fingerprint on it (but it may be mine)

1 thought on “CustomEVOS Clear HTC EVO Battery Cover Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. FOLLOW-UP: I have kept this nearby because I still think it looks cool, but I like my original back with the carbon-fiber film upgrade better most of the time. Besides, this back does not always fit in skins and cases.

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