A plunger for your iPhone

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iplungeCheck it out, it’s an itty bitty plunger that can be used as a stand for your iPhone (or any other device with a slick surface). It’s called the iPlung and looks like a miniature toilet plunger, which might turn off some people. But I think it’s cute as a button. You can’t beat the price either at $5.99 from Perpetual Kid. Way cheaper than a bill from a plumber 😉

[Via Likecool]

11 thoughts on “A plunger for your iPhone”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. This is a great device.

    The iPad might be a bit too heavy for it, but I can think of lots more uses:

    Holding ceramic display dishes.

    Propping up mirrors in the bathroom.

    Holding up a Kindle for reading.

    Sticking in on the bathroom wall to hold backscrubbers, wash cloths, hair brushes.

    I’m sure there are loads of other non iPhone uses.

  3. A good friend of mine is a plumber. If he were an iPhone user, I think he would get a good chuckle out of this one. Come to think of it, I might just pick one up for him anyway! 🙂

  4. Will this stop a memory leak on iPhone apps?? 🙂

    It is more than cute . it is a real show “stopper”

  5. @Julie . . . . .
    My day job should be processing CORN for the Jolly Green Giant . . . guess you already knew that one, huh? LOL

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