Do you Poken?

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Poken was created to solve one simple problem: how do you remember the email addresses and screen names of everyone you meet? You Poken, of course. A Poken is a cutesy little dongle thingy with a flip out hand. When you meet other Poken owners in the real world, you can quickly swap information with them. No more writing down email addresses or long blog names. Just touch the little Poken hands together in a high four (I don’t make this stuff up folks) and they connect to transmit your contact info back and forth. Poken holds your name, address, email, mobile phone, and the rest, and it also holds your social networking account names such as FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and other accounts. When you get back home, you plug the Poken into your computer via USB to download the info. Hmmmm, aren’t Vcards on cellphones supposed to allow this? Sorta?

3 thoughts on “Do you Poken?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. If you’ve got an iPhone, the Bump app serves this same function, and it’s free. Oh, and? You probably know more people with iPhones than people who own and carry a Poken.

    1. @Andy Have you ever tried sending some one your contact info (from the contacts app) on the iPhone using MMS? I tried this morning and they never received the message. I’m wondering if that feature is enabled correctly.

  3. The fun this about the whole poken thing is that they are niche, just like iphone users! and beside a poken is WHOLE lot cheaper than an iphone! you get 10% off from with this discount code “findapoken23”

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