Squeeze your way to lowered blood pressure – Zona Plus

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zona-plusThe Zona Plus is a blood pressure reducing isometric exerciser that was developed from technology used by the U.S. Air Force to improve F-16 pilots’ blood circulation. This exercise device claims to reduce your blood pressure without medication and clinical research by cardiovascular specialists shows the device lowers blood pressure in 90% of users who perform the therapy 12 minutes per day, five days a week. Simply hold the device and squeeze as hard as you can; the unit measures your maximum hand strength and calculates a target pressure that is 70% below your threshold. The handgrip then prompts you to maintain the target pressure, indicating when to squeeze harder or loosen your hold with audible tones and visual cues on the LCD. The price is $379.95, which might raise your blood pressure.

5 thoughts on “Squeeze your way to lowered blood pressure – Zona Plus”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I’d like to see two large, well controlled, peer reviewed & published medical articles proving this thing works. In their absence this thing appears to be hocus pocus.

  3. Great, thank you, Lex. Oughtn’t Gadgeteer be more scrupulous in passing on info about such med-technology to its readers?
    Thanks, Julie, NB.

  4. “F-16 pilots’ blood circulation”

    F16 pilots being notorious for high blood pressure and poor physical conditioning! 🙂

  5. I’m happy to see any and all gadgets presented and don’t interpret their appearance here as the editor’s endorsement or belief that they work as advertised.

    1. @Lex thanks 🙂 I just post interesting products as I come across them. I have no idea if this thing works or not. I just thought it might spark some discussion – I guess I was right 🙂

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