Be prepared for emergencies with an Ice-Qube kit

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ice-qubeDo you have a readily available collection of supplies in case of an emergency? Ice-Qube emergency kits are the first such kits that make a great gift. All Ice-Qubes are organized in a cube to ensure easy access and maximum support and relief when difficulties occur. Many Ice-Qubes are small enough to store in your car or closet and are available for home, office, baby and pet. Kits retail for $19.99 all the way up to $950.00. Are you prepared?

5 thoughts on “Be prepared for emergencies with an Ice-Qube kit”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Nice idea, but most people could put together an emergency kit or bug-out bag for a lot less themselves.

    But for those with more money than time, this might be a solution.

  3. Without seeing the actual product in-hand, my thoughts are…
    – The kits seem to be well-thought out, complete, and well-packaged
    – The items in the kits seem to be nice quality- too many kits (including first aid) tend to use cheap junk in them.)
    – The pricing seems high, but is not too bad. I looked at the Dog kit for $55, and priced items out to compare. If you are buying everything in the kit new from a typical department store, your costs will come to within about 10% or so of the kit price (including buying a cheap bag or tote box). The thing is- you usually don’t have to buy everything from scratch too make a home kit.
    – In many kits I noticed items that could easily be replaced by more compact, or cheaper versions. In the Dog kit, for example, there is a single steel food/water bowl when two collapsible plastic or fabric bowls would take less room and weight, work just as well in an emergency, and probably be cheaper.
    – One weakness most pre-packed kits share is a lack of space or organization to add your own items. I suspect this applies here to at least some of the kits- they look pretty fully packed in the photos.
    – Because of the nature of kits like this, there is a lot of duplication of supplies between kits. Not a big deal, but something that is easier to manage when you build your own.

    There are obviously pros and cons to buying pre-made over hand-making- just like with cookies. The important thing is to have SOME plan and at least a basic kit.

    (I am a Red Cross instructor and preparedness dork, just FYI)

  4. love this product! just gave the ice-qube baby to a friend for her baby shower and she loved it.
    i also bought one for my aunt – this is a new kind of gift.

  5. Love this idea! I agree that we could probably pt something similar together, but the fact of the matter is that most people simply don’t take the time to put a kit together. I like that the kits have substantial, quality products in them. I bought an emergency kit last year to keep in a vaction home and was less than pleased when it arrived. The contents were very junky for what the kit costs.

    I love the baby kits! I just had a baby and would consider storing one in my car, or giving one to my mom to have in case she needs something quickly. I wish I could have put this on my baby registry. Again, I like to quality of the products in this kit.

    A wedding kit or new house kit could be fun also.

  6. You may be right about price,but the point is who’s going to take the time to gather all the items in a kit. The point of these kits is thAt it’s there when you need it.

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