Update: Shortly after this review went live, Mack Lipkin M.D., an NYU professor and the Director of the Division of Primary Care in the Department of Medicine at NYU, was kind enough to write me. I am honored that someone with his credentials actually reads my reviews, and I am grateful that he took the time to offer his commentary. His quotes are in
red and italicized.
This is going to be a review that I hope doesn’t cross the dreaded TMI* threshold, but I hope that if it does you all will forgive me. I also figure that if it makes a difference for even a single Gadgeteer reader, then I will have done my good deed for the day.
Whatever you want to call them: spots, pimples, blemishes, acne or just plain old zits – facial outbreaks suck. Getting an acne breakout can be a traumatic occasion, whether the person is 16 or 46. They never come at a convenient time, they can wreak havoc on a person’s self esteem, they are ugly and they hurt.
For some reason, I never really had an acne problem when I was a teenager; but now my 39 year old face seems to be making up for lost time. Don’t get me wrong, as a teen I would get the occasional “whitehead” or “blackheads” – but I never got the kinds of zits that hurt, the kind that could leave scars if they were disturbed. Unfortunately much of my post-pregnancy adult life has been plagued by the occasional occurrence of these really painful cyst-like bumps that will sit below my skin’s surface. According to Dr. Lipkin, “all the family of zits sit below the skin’s surface – the key to these is that they are below the skin {epidermis} itself, hence they don’t come to a head.”
I am sure that it is partly hormonal, and I sure do hate it. Dr. Lipkin thinks this “might correlate with [my] menstrual cycle, which alters the quality of the oil in [my] skin. Equally likely is that [I] have acquired a resident pathogen (bacterium) that is more invasive than normal skin flora—in which case, eradicating it and replacing it with normal skin bacteria is a better approach.”
When these bumps start forming, there is an ache before the “bump from hell appears. I had originally called the bump a “pimple”, but Dr. Lipkin says this is “not a pimple since it is not in the skin or an associated gland that crosses the skin“.
After a day or so, I’ll get this red welt that doesn’t ever become a whitehead or anything so simple. Instead, the bump will become an ugly red mini-mountain that may stay in place for over a week, and no matter how hard I try to resist – it’s useless. I will eventually end up in the bathroom…looking in the mirror and doing what every dermatologist and aesthetician will tell you to never do. Dr. Lipkin states that “this is when action is most helpful since it is possible to use various methods to
abort the infection and avoid the dry squeeze phase which as you say can lead to damage, or worse as it likely will seed the bloodstream and could thereby infect damaged heart valves in susceptible people.“
Well, it’s like this evil genie is sitting on my shoulder telling me that if I can just squeeze the spot hard enough – my wish will come true and the bump will go away!
But it never works that way.
Instead the result is a scabby mess that sits on my face for a week or more, and then a dark mark will appear where I damaged the skin by squeezing. Those marks can last for over a month – mocking me for my impatience every time I look in the mirror. Since I seem to get one of these bumps every other month, I may have a dark spot on my face that is finally going away right about the time a new eruption is ready to occur.
Having this type of acne when you are a teen-ager can be damaging for your psyche and self-image. Having this type of acne when you are a grown woman can be just as bad, but in a different way. I don’t know how many times I have thought “I am too old for this sh*t!” But evidently, I am not.
Years ago I saw a dermatologist for the problem. Since these bumps only appear sporadically and there are usually no more than one or two at a time, I was never a candidate for any kind of serious drug therapy. Dr. Lipkin says “targeted brief therapy might be needed—topicals won’t reach most of these.” Instead, I was prescribed a topical antibiotic ointment that was applied from the bottle by pressing a built in pad over the affected area – and sometimes it did seem to help. But after reading multiple articles about how overuse of antibiotics is building up all sorts of modern viruses’ resistance, I stopped using the ointment and have since suffered through the vicious cycle in silence. It looks like I might have been a bit hasty, however, as Dr. Lipkin explains, “a. this is bacterial not viral—there are not effective anti-virals x against herpes b. such brief therapy done right will not contribute as much to bacterial resistance development as being a mobile reservoir spreading your virulent bugs throughout Texas.”
Well, I should say I have suffered in relative silence. Julie has also been going through the same vicious acne cycle in her adult years, so suffering painful breakouts has become yet another thing that we have in common and we tend to compare notes…
“I have a third eye on my forehead,” I’ll say.
“Well, I have a mountain on my chin,” she’ll reply.
And then we’ll both sigh in disgust at the unfairness of it all.
Have we passed the TMI threshold yet? Bear with me just a little bit longer…
When I first heard about the Zeno Acne Treatment, a heat based zit zapper, I told Julie I wanted to try one. She laughed when I told her I was willing to write a review about using it, because like me she thinks that getting acne past a certain age is rather embarrassing. She asked if I was going to put pictures of myself with a zit in the review, and I replied, “uh, no! I’m a little to vain for that!”
But I was willing to write about a subject that some might find distasteful or “too personal” for two reasons. If it works, then we would both know for sure. If it didn’t work, then I could tell people not to waste their money.
Zeno agreed to send a review unit, but it had to be returned after a month. I said “thanks but no thanks.”
Returning something that was going to actually be used for personal grooming sounded nasty to me. I wasn’t necessarily declining out of some altruistic caring for the reviewer that might come after me…it was the thought that I might be using someone else’s review unit after they had used it for a month. Since the Zeno comes with a month long return period anyway, I knew that if and when I was ready to lay down the clams, I could basically try out a brand new unit for free.
So two months ago I got another deep and painful zit on my chin, and that’s when I finally broke down and ordered the Zeno. They are available all over the net and are the same price from every authorized source; I ordered mine from the DermaDoctor site because they also sell this 65 SPF total sun block that I like to use and was running low on. Dr. Lipkin says that “the scientific data suggest that any SPF over 30 does not confer added protection only cost and gloppiness.” So next time I can save my $23!
My Zeno arrived too late to help with what is now my latest dark mark, but it was here when I got yet another painful zit on my forehead, near my hairline. Dr. Lipkin said that, “this favors the virulent bug idea as the hair is the major reservoir for cystogenic bacteria.”
This is when I should mention that according to page three of the user guide included with the device, the Zeno does not do a thing for blackheads, whiteheads or other “near the surface” blemishes. Dr. Lipkin adds, “I imagine it would work for some bugs in skin infections.” It isn’t recommended for severely inflamed red pustules with “several deep nodular lesions (solid mass of skin like a knot, can be raised or felt under the skin.)” Nor is it recommended for people that have “many nodular cystic lesions with scarring.” Zeno is recommended for people like me, that occasionally get an inflamed red bump or the occasional pustule (“visible accumulation of pus in skin”). If you aren’t sure if the Zeno will work for you, you should ask your doctor or dermatologist. Evidently quite a few dermatologists even sell them from their offices, which I guess counts as an endorsement of sorts. Dr. Lipkin agrees, saying this is “definitely an endorsement, definitely not evidence of value!”
Assuming that you are a candidate…
Included in the Zeno’s box is the zapper itself, a wall charging cable, a user guide and a quick start guide. The Zeno is composed mainly of clear plastic covering silver plastic. There are areas of trim that feel like they are made of a lighter metal – possibly
aluminum. The unit measures approximately 4.5″ long x 1.5″ wide x 0.5″ thick and it weighs 3.1 ounces. The device is compact, solidly built, and it will fit in any dopp kit or makeup bag.
The front of the Zeno has five indicator lights; the smaller four indicate life left in the replaceable treatment tip and the larger single button indicates battery life. The removable and replaceable treatment tip lasts for a total of 90 two-and-a-half minute treatments. Since each pimple may take two to three treatments, the life of the tip will vary according to how many pimples the user gets in a given time period. I also ordered a replacement tip (for $35) when I placed my original order, because I like to be prepared. ;0)
Before the first use, the Zeno must be charged for at least 6 hours. While charging, the battery life indicator light will blink blue, and once fully charged it will glow solid blue. The Zeno’s nickel metal hydride battery should be kept fully charged in between uses. Low batteries are indicated when the battery life indicator flashes blue after the unit is powered on. If there is
not enough juice to compete a treatment, the Zeno will shut down before the treatment has begun.
Under the Zeno’s cover is the removable treatment tip, as well as the power button and the treatment activation button. Pressing the Power button (on the left) causes the lights to come on, a three toned alert to sound, and the treatment activation button to glow orange. After about a minute the device will have warmed up and the treatment activation button will blink green as a two toned alert sounds. Pressing the treatment activation again will make the button glow solid green; now the Zeno is ready for use.
The smooth plastic tip of the Zeno, which should be cleaned with either warm soapy water or alcohol (but never submerged in water) between uses, will be slightly warm to the touch and it should be directly placed on the inflamed spot – placed, not mashed! There is no need to grind the tip into your skin, it won’t make the device work any better or faster, in fact it will probably hinder the healing and cause a light burn.
The Zeno is held against the red bump for a total of two-and-a-half minutes, and when the treatment cycle is complete, tones will sound and the treatment activation button will again glow orange. Up to three treatments may be done in a single session on different pimples, but you should never double up treatments on a single blemish. Why? Because it is a waste of money (tips are $35, remember?) and it may result in burns or other injury. The most treatments any single pimple should get are three spread over a 24 hour period. There is no need to overdo it, the treatment will either work…or it won’t.
How does the Zeno work? According to their website, “With Tyrell’s ClearPoint™ acne heat treatment technology, P. acnes is destroyed by a process called heat shock response. Heat shock response is a reaction bacteria have to heat whereby they transcript a number of their genes and activate heat-shock proteins. These heat-shock proteins participate in the bacteria’s death by causing the bacteria to self-destruct.” Dr. Lipkin adds, “and/or become more vulnerable to host, immune attack.”
The website continues, “P. acnes self-destructs in the acne lesion preventing infection and allowing the skin to return to a healthy state. Fortunately, the level of heat required is not sufficient to cause damage to the skin.”
You can watch a demo on how the Zeno works here.
My experience with the Zeno has been pretty good so far. As I mentioned, I had a angry red bump manifest after receiving the Zeno. The minute I realized I was getting a painful zit, I did the first treatment. I could feel heat from the applicator tip, but it did not feel like it was overly hot or like I was being burned. Instead it was a concentrated warmth more than anything. Dr. Lipkin asks, “Why not accomplish the same thing with a warm washcloth?” Which is actually something that I have experimented with in the past – hoping that the heat would cause the bump to either go away or come to a head so that I could obsess even more over whether or not to disturb it. In my experience, even the hottest washcloth placed on a bump never really did anything noticeable – other than make my face wet. The heat felt from the Zeno seems much more focused and intense.
Immediately after removing the Zeno I noticed that the bump felt a bit numb, and it didn’t really hurt any more. Dr. Lipkin explains this by saying, “this is because the smallest nerve fibers that carry pain sensation, γ fibers, are easily anesthetized with heat, which leads to a simple treatment for local pain and/or itch—heat the water in your sink until you can put in a finger but have to take it out immediately, soak a washcloth, and place over the lesion as long as you can tolerate it—usually no time. Presto, pain goes.”
That sensation lasted for a couple of hours, and I purposely waited about eight hours before doing a second treatment. At this time the bump was noticeably smaller, although it was still red. Dr. Lipkin says, “it may be that the mechanism also simply includes increased blood flow to the lesion, with heightened immune attack.”
Not long after the second treatment, I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the bump was now just a red spot. The next day it was gone – with no indication that it had ever been there. GONE!!!!!!!!
Sarah, my 16 year old daughter, also occasionally gets the same type of painful red bumps; she has been able to successfully treat two of them since I got the Zeno. You know how teens are, she just takes it for granted that it works – zits here today, gone in a couple days. I asked her if she felt like the Zeno had really helped and she replied “I don’t know.” <insert eye roll here>
Before anyone gets the idea that the Zeno might replace the regular care and cleansing of their face, let me put that daydream to rest right now. You’ll still have to maintain your regular facial cleaning routine – whatever it may be. Zeno does not prevent whiteheads or blackheads, and it will not treat them when you get them. Dr. Lipkin says this is so because “they are oily plugs not infectious bodies.” Zeno is solely for those deep, painful red acne bumps that rarely if ever come to a “head”.
It is for the type of zit that when you have broken all the rules and squeezed, nothing comes out but a bit of clear pus.
I hope you didn’t just eat lunch. ;0)
Look, I realize that I have only been able to test it on one zit, but the Zeno’s fast result on what would have undoubtedly become a month’s long blemish sold me. The bump is gone and there is no discoloration left in its place. I had no ugly scab, and there is no sign that a zit was ever there. However, I still have the blemish on my chin from the pimple I tortured before receiving the Zeno! I have joked with Steve that ever since I got the Zeno I must have psyched out my skin because it is actually behaving itself – for now! When it tries to act up again, and I know that it will, I’ll be ready.
Once again, I would like to thank Dr. Mack Lipkin for his comments. I truly appreciate that he took the time to add his expert opinion to my ramblings. :0)
*TMI = Too Much Information!!
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Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
I realize that it has been a while since this post, but I’d be interested to see a follow-up. How’s it working? You skin sounds JUST like mine. Thanks for all the info!
Fantastic, no nonsense review. Thanks very much. Not TMI at all. Just got a new Zeno off EBay for less than usual going rate. Very much looking forward to zapping my usual monthly two or three (&((&(&( pimples as described very well above. Will advise on results.
I disagree with Kaylynne – this review is FULL of nonsense. What i was interested in is, the obvious, does it WORK? Had to do a whole lot of reading to get to that point. Good info, but please try using fewer words. Thanks
I am 35 and have had it with the nightmare of zits. I have tried everything you can imagine! Zeno was my last straw! Honestly, I didn’t see the results I wanted to. Some gentleman suggested a sandwhich bag with warm water will work just as well. Honestly, he just may be right. Zeno is an expensive gadget. I’m just not convinced that it worked! Think I will take mine back to the store and get my money back! My son had severe acne and has been using dove soap for the last few months. His face looks great! I am going to try that and save my money!
I personally like the Zeno but the 6 hour charging point isn’t good for the “getting psyched about use” factor.
Thanks for the entertaining review. If any of my friends have read you’re review they’re probably wondering when I changed my name to Judie! I recently spent the night at a friend’s house and tried her Zeno by sanitizing the tip before using it. The up and coming volcano stopped in its tracks before it was even visible. How exciting is that?!
For years I’ve been using heat on mosquito bites with great success. (I get huge mosquito bites that swell and fester for weeks.) Fill a coffee mug half full, microwave it to a full boil, then put a spoon (or two or three) into the hot water and let it sit about 30 seconds until the spoons are very hot. Then remove the spoon from the water and immediately press it into the bite. It will sting like the dickens for just a second, but don’t pull it off. The itch goes away. I think I’ll try this on my next zit before spending the dough on a Zeno.
Zeno, how do I get started? This is the worse and most expensive device that I have ever purchased for so called “acne treatment”. No, it doesn’t prevent, nor reduce, nor help fade away acne – Yes, I read the whole instruction booklet. This device is as useful as the paper credit card that comes with your new wallet.
The effectiveness of this device is the burned marks that left on your face after your usage; and the sensation of a much lighter wallet! If you had a hundred some odd dollars to blow, fireworks! At least you get to see your money leaves you with a big bang.
I have had Zeno for a couple of months now and am very impressed with how it tackles small pimples and whiteheads, but until this week, have never used for large, painful spots.
So, I woke up Wednesday morning with a large, deep, painful spot that I knew could develop into a monster unless I treated it straight away. I immediately zeno-ed it, and got on with my day. By the evening, it was still sore to touch and I could feel it ‘brewing’ under the skin, however, after too many disasters of premature picking, I resisted the urge to pick at it, choosing instead to zeno it before bed and smother it in Sudocream while I slept.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and it was GONE. Seriously, no pain, no swelling, and only a slight (very slight) discolouration from where the bump had been. I do not know if this is the Zeno alone, or the combination of zeno and Sudocream, but either way, it is a miracle.
Thus, from painful, personal experience, I highly recommend Zeno. 🙂 Good Luck!
This device has caused hundreds of major burns, the company has not reported the FDA neither have they reported the European Authorities, at this time I am trying to contact a lawyer and see if I can bring this company to terms, remember that this company got its initial funds in Texas (2002) during the Bush administration, during that period in our history, Texas was blessed with all the financial support to validate and market any piece of useless crap.
I agree with the reviewer. In my experience, the zeno works!
You really have to use it as soon as you notice a blemish. Wait at least 4 hours between treatments, or you’ll get a red spot. It’ll go away, but better to just avoid the problem.
In fact, I used the Zeno last night in the early evening and again before going to bed, and this morning the blemish is nearly gone.
The focused heat of the Zeno is much more effective than a hot washcloth. I’m 28 years old, female, and have been fighting with these occasional spots my whole adult life–this, combined with a strict morning-and-evening washing regimen of Clinique bar soap, has been the only solution.
I have EXACTLY these type of ‘blemishes’. Often. My friends call it Mount Chrisuvius when it appears, which is at least once a month. I’m going out right now to find a Zeno. Thanks for the review! I’d also like to hear if it’s still working for you.
wow. i swear your account was just like reading my own skin/face journal. thanks for sharing and for the detail. unfortunately, it is totally necessary so that people like me can compare notes. i’m glad i’m not alone in suffering the same kind of break-outs. talking about it brings about solutions/innovations/treatment, etc. and now i am praying the zeno i just purchased works as advertised/reviewed. will report back soon.
I’ll try the hot spoon method overtop of a moist washcloth before I would ever consider forking out this much money. For crying out loud, some people have more money than brains. I rank this up there with the company that pays human “bed warmers”. I guess they never heard of an ELECTRIC BLANKET.
I’ll try to contact an American manufacturer of craft glue guns (usually about $5.00) to see if they could adjust the temperature down to the same degree as the zeno, sell it with a timer and viola, $25.00 max would be flying off the shelves.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!
You can buy the zeno at target for 40 bucks…it comes with batteries and is now FDA approved. I got one of these mountain size bastards on my chin this afternoon, so I went out and bought it. After using it once, my balloon has deflated a bit. It’s almost been four hours! I am going to use it right before bed and pray that this sucker is gone by morning.
What a great review your story and type of acne sounds exactly like mine you should get a job with myzeno bc I will be purchasing one right after I finsh this post it was everything I could of wanted to know about this product and it really did help, thanks again!
I have purchased the Zeno from Rite Aide and I charged it over night. None of the charging lights came on and the unit never charged. I tried other outlets in the house, I had it correctly plugged into the unit and into the wall. I returned the unit for a new one and same thing! I can’t get the Zeno to charge. Very frustrating! Anyone else have this problem?
Just a note. The design on this unit has changed. It is now battery powered and smaller so there is no more wait for a 6 hour charge from a plug in unit. I purchased it at Target today. Normal price is $39.95 but it is on sale this week for $35. I have to say I was skeptical but I have the exact same issues with my skin as the poster so it was worth a shot. I am 37 and never broke out in my teen years so this is extremely frustrating. I just popped in the batteries and turned the unit on and was able to use it immediately. INSTANTLY I feel relief from the pain associated with these “mountains.” Currently I have two… it must be a curse I never get more than one at a time and usually only once a month mid cycle. I was also told they are hormonal breakouts and squeezing only ever made things worse but with the pain all you want is relief. Not only has the pain subsided some with 1 use, but the cyst like hardness also seems to have lessened with the first treatment. The heat of the treatment was nothing intolerable. All I felt was a slight tingle. I am looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning to see the results.
Should I assume this gadget works since NONE of you has posted what happened after you used in ONCE? Geez, won’t someone PLEASE relate their experience over a several month period?
Thank you, Judie! I’m a little late — four years late — in discovering Zeno, reading your review, and posting, but I see the thread is still google-able and active.
My experiences as a new Zeno user:
– I am impressed. It works fantastically well to reduce my big nodular acne spots that arrive at the rate of a couple – few a month.
– When I was younger, I tried the whole range of chemical attacks without success: benzoyl peroxide, salicytic acid, retin-a, differin, cleocin-t. All they did was range from nothing at all to make my skin dry and embarassingly-flaky.
– I also went through a microdermabrasion stage. That didn’t help much, either.
– I’ve also tried just hot washcloths in the past, but my problem with them is that I couldn’t get them to hold much heat for more than a few seconds. I certainly couldn’t sustain 120 degrees for a couple of minutes.
– If anyone is sustaining burns from 120 degrees (actually 118.5), there is something wrong with their skin. This thing does NOT feel hot (just pleasantly warm), and does NOT burn.
On the downside, Zeno is irritating with its marketing ploy of forced-tip replacements. It’s too bad. If I treat 2 spots 3x/day, my 60-use, $25 tip will only last 10 days! That’s not sustainable for most people.
It has been a great experiment, and has taught me what will work for me: 120 degrees for 2.5 minutes, focused heat application. I like the idea of hot water and a candy thermometer and two spoons in a cup, which I just read about today. I accept the concept of a metal heat conductor directly just to the affected skin area. I am grateful to the Zeno (as shown by my paying for the initial unit), but their packaging and cost for replacement tips seems to be targeted at rich people, or those who feel that they “need” a packaged solution.
But buy one — try one. If you have the right kind of acne, it is a godsend. And even with my “good” health insurance, it quickly paid for itself, since my dermatologist co-pay (office visit only; no treatment) is $40.
Could it be a reason why this device doesn’t work for some people? As it mentioned Zeno targeted bacteria. In my case it seems no bacteria, it is always pure sebium and clean liquid (plasma). Couple times I had antibiotic treatment with no reaction whatsoever. Could be genetic reasons like extra sebium generation or skin growth over glands or such.
Zeno vs. Therapik
Has anyone tried Therapik? It is a much simpler device powered by a 9V battery. No electronics, no timer (you can buy a pretty nice watch for $200), no replacement tips. It is $15.50 Canadian at Lee Valley and $12.95 US on Therapik’s website.
It is not marketed for acne, but sounds like a very similar concept and a huge cost-saving compared to Zeno. It uses heat to deactivate the venom from insect bites/stings. Unfortunately Zeno doesn’t list their temperature, so it’s not easy to compare to the 120-140F of Therapik. The only downside I see is the tip is a little more work to keep clean, but that seems like a minor inconvenience.
I might try it out as I already own one due to severe, non-allergic reactions to mosquitos and wasps. In the past I’ve had two major wasp stings: one that spread to 25 cm (10″) on my leg and another on my cheek that resulted in both eyes almost completely swollen shut. I didn’t have it then, but have used it satisfactorily for mosquito bites.
The Zeno pen was good, but not great. I bought mine about a year ago and used it religiously for about 3 months. It worked pretty well on my zits, but I spent SO MUCH MONEY on replacing the tips!
I finally gave up on the thing and sold it on Ebay because I couldn’t spend $50 per month on tips.
Then, for my birthday, I got the Klima Magic Wand. It is basically the same thing as the Zeno, except it also has blue light to kill bacteria -along with the heat – and it has a PERMANENT TIP!!
I have been using it for about 6 months and I would have to say it works a little better than Zeno, and there are no other costs aside from purchasing it.
i used to get huge deep painful lumps on my neck, then i trien the zeno. turning point in my life, completely works
Great review and stellar writing style! Found your post after googling “Does zeno work?” and am delighted to have found your site. I’ll be back to read more
Zeno’s heat treatment is effective, but I found a better and cheaper alternative which works for me. When you have a red swelling, just heat up spoon with some hot water and put put the spoon on your skin. Just make sure it isn’t hot enough to burn your skin. Repeat this several times since the spoon cools down quickly. Viola! It works just as well as Zeno and costs close to nothing.
Where do I start? In the spring of 2008 I purchased Zeno. Worst mistake of my life. I had read reviews and did my research on this product. I decided to purchase it. After reading the directions three times I used it EXACTLY as directed. I used the product on a blemish on my chin 3 times in a 24 hr period (which was as directed and allowable). The morning after I used it the third time I woke up to find the blemish had swollen to 3-4 times the original size.
After 2 rounds of antibiotics, cortisone injections, laser therapy, injections of juvederm in the scar and scar revision surgery and multiple visits to the dermatologist and a plastic surgeon…..I have a very deep, noticeable permanent scar on my chin.
This scar has caused me major distress and mental anguish. I took photos and called Zeno’s headquarters in TX. They were unresponsive and I had to keep calling back to speak with someone. Finally for my own mental health I dropped it and figured I would need to get a costly lawyer to pursue legal action. But i didn’t because i didn’t want to put myself through the embarassment of a lawsuit and possible trial. Every time I look in the mirror I cringe. I’ll have this scar the rest of my life.
I beg of anyone thinking of trying this product to not do it. I’d HATE for anyone to have to go through what I did.
Everyone knows the deep scar is from the INJECTIONS you had, not the zeno. dermotologist injections CAUSE dents in your face, look it up.
No….the scar was MOST DEFINITELY NOT from the one injection I had. The scar was present for over a year and a half before I had any injection. Since the juvederm injection and the scar revision surgery – the scar looks exactly the same – no better, no worse. Go ahead and use it “N,”…you’ll be sorry. Don’t say you weren’t warned. You probably work for the company that makes Zeno don’t you?
It WORKS…PERIOD! I used mine as needed for over two and a half years…and it worked EVERY TIME!!!! No scars, no pain, no embarrassment from dealing with mini Mt St Helen’s on my face. Just a small red mark for 1-3 days that was easily covered up with concealer. Now alas my Zeno has reached the end of its lifespan. Won’t recharge at all…and I can’t find a new one!!! This was the BEST grooming device I have ever purchased (along with my flat iron ; )
@Yvonne Just Google it. They have several at Amazon, Drugstore.com, etc.
Thanks for taking the time to write your informative and entertaining review. I have skin similar to yours. Not much trouble with acne as a teenager, but probably a dozen or so bumps a year since I turned 60!
I think I will try the Zeno. I do find a hot wet washcloth very effective in putting the brakes on a developing bump, but it is not a very convenient method. Getting the temperature right on a washcloth is time consuming and uses a lot of water. The process can be sloppy and annoying and causes me to delay taking action against the development of a bump.
A product like Zeno sounds very quick and convenient.
Mack Lipkin MD’s comments were informative. I didn’t realize that bumps that don’t come to a head were so different from those that do.