Judie’s Gear Diary – 2002-03-14

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Well! I just got back from one of the most fun afternoons I have spent in some time! Today was the first ever Honolulu Pocket PC Users Group meeting – and it looks like they are off to a great start! My afternoon began when I was picked up by Ryan Mock (PDA Street) in his totally FAB Celica! I have never experienced such an awesome home-theater experience, while in a car!!
Once at the Hawaiian State Capitol, I was greeted with a fragrant lei and a traditional Hawaiian greeting (cheek kisses) by Todd Ogasawara, an MS MVP. After being treated to some very tasty Korean take-out, we walked over to the Pocket PC merting location. There were quite a few people in attendence, even two represenatives from Compaq. We were given a presentation by one of the reps that showed Compaq's vision for the future…and it looks quite good for those of us with major sleeve investments.
After the meeting, Todd, along with several of his co-workers, gave Ryan and me an impromptu tour of the gorgeous state capitol. Todd even got a picture of me sitting in the governor's chair. If you have never had a chance to see the Hawaiian Capitol and you find yourself in Hawaii, you need to stop by and get the full tour. Never have I seen such a beautiful, symbolic, open-air building as I saw today – quite refresshing from the domed capitols I am used to. I was also told that Hawaii is the only state that actually had it's own royalty – and I saw the palace! :0)
If you are lucky enough to live here, or if you plan on traveling to Oahu during the correct times – make sure you attend one of the newest Pocket PC User's Groups meetings…you'll really enjoy yourself!!

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