Julie’s Surgery – Update

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Julie’s surgery was today.  The surgery is over, and the report is that things went well.  She’s waking up in recovery now.  She’ll be home soon, and she’ll have more information for us then.

Join me in wishing Julie the best as she kicks cancer’s butt!

6/24/11 Update from me (Julie)

Thanks to everyone for their support, thoughts, kind words and get well wishes. 🙂 All that positive energy worked. I was sent home around noon yesterday and am doing great. Have only had to take regular old ibuprofen for the pain twice. Doubt if I’ll need to do that anymore. The worst part so far is having to sleep on my back… so if that’s my only complaint, things can’t be that bad. I just have to cross my fingers that pathology reports come back with good news as far as lymph  node involvement. They know that cancer cells were in the main node (sentinel node), so they took 15-20 more nodes after that one and will test them all. If they find cancer cells in those, that means I’ll have to have radiation treatments in addition to more treatments. Hmmm, I wonder if radiation would give me a super power like Spiderman? 😉

51 thoughts on “Julie’s Surgery – Update”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Glad to read of the report that the surgery went well. Onward to recovery!! We will continue to think and pray for you.


  3. Dear Julie,
    I wish you a speedy recovery and want you back as soon as possible!
    Best regards from Switzerland.

  4. WHOOHOOO, I’d put on a cheerleaders outfit and root for you, but that might scare more then just the cancer away.

    😉 Good luck.

  5. Robert Grenader

    God bless you Julie. May your recovery be swift, your health return and your life go on.

    We all love you.

  6. hope you get well soon, have positive mind and body to go through all this…all the best to you!!

    pray from asia, Singapore.

  7. So glad things went well! I’m confident your recovery will be swift and full. You have enriched my life over the years with the knowledge you’ve shared and I look forward to oh so much more.

  8. Julie,
    Glad to hear the surgery was successful. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    All the best from Uganda…

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