NEWS—This is the second product I have seen in the last couple of days that has me wondering if April Fools Day has come early this year. The first item I came across was an iPhone case with a built-in refillable sprayer, and today, I have a caddy for your favorite beverage and tools.
The HandiBru combines a holder for your beer or soda with a toolbox that can hold a ruler, a conversion chart, a screwdriver, and a 3M tape measure into one “convenient” package that you can carry (it has a handle) or even clip to your belt. Dorky? Most definitely. Handy? You tell me. Do you want one? I won’t judge (much). Head over to, where they are $49.99 (Ok, yes, I will judge you for that price).
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Don’t drink and screwdrive.
Good one! ;o)
That does sound wacky, but I have many times had issues getting my beverage of choice (usually a Diet Coke) to a place I need to do work with the tools I need. I’ve solved it by having a very compact tool case for most projects, so that I usually have what I need. (This insight, oddly enough, was from Steven King’s excellent book “On Writing” where he talks about how his dad always brought the whole tool kit with him no matter the project. That way, you don’t have to go back to the workshop in the middle of the project because you didn’t think to bring the pliers. He says this is the reason writers should learn all the lessons of the craft of writing, because you don’t know which one(s) a given project will require until you’re in the middle of it. And then it’s too late to go to a seminar on Character Development!)