Edge of Belgravia Teak Star cutting boards, UGEARS bionic horse model, Moasure ONE measuring device, and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns

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This week we are bringing you five crowdfunding campaigns that are currently running on Kickstarter. This week’s campaigns are for people who like to cook, get outdoors, build cool models, and more. Check out our picks for this week’s notable crowdfunding campaigns.

Edge of Belgravia Teak Star cutting boards

What is it?
Teak Star cutting boards are luxury cutting boards that can be used for cutting and serving food.

Why do I like it?
I like the Teak Star cutting boards because they have a unique look, are durable, and are resistant to rot, water, and slips.

Where can I find more info?
The Teak Star campaign ends on 5/8/2018 and they have already reached their funding goal of $35,202. You can pre-order a Teak Star starting at $49. After the Teak Star campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in November 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

UGEARS mechanical wooden models

What is it?
UGEARS are complex mechanical models made of CNC laser cut plywood that can be assembled without the aid of glue, or any special tools.

Why do I like it?
I like the UGEARS models because they aren’t designed to just sit on a shelf gathering dust, they can actually move. We’ve talked about the UGEARS models before on The Gadgeteer, but the Horse-Mechanoid model is the first one that I’ve actually thought about buying for myself. It would be a fun solo project or as a cool family project.

Where can I find more info?
The UGEARS campaign ends on 5/2/2018 and they have already blown past their funding goal of $15,000 by over $100,000. You can pre-order a UGEARS model starting at $39. After the UGEARS campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in July 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

Quotes Watch

What is it?
The Quotes Watch is a watch that features a dot-matrix e-paper display that you can customize with your own personal message and quotes using the Quotes app.

Why do I like it?
I like the Quotes Watch for the customization options and that specified friends and loved ones can send personalized quotes and messages directly to your watch with the Quotes app.

Where can I find more info?
The Quotes Watch campaign ends on 4/26/2018 and they are getting close to their funding goal of $30,711. You can pre-order a Quotes Watch starting at $92. After the Quotes Watch campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in October 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

Somewear satellite global hotspot

What is it?
Somewear is a lightweight palm-sized gadget that turns your existing smartphone into a satellite phone that you can use ANYWHERE to send 2 way texts, get weather reports, share your location, and even call for help.

Why do I like it?
I like the Somewear global hotspot because it allows you to communicate anywhere you are in the world because it uses satellite signals instead of cell towers. It’s also built to be tough. It’s shockproof, waterproof and can withstand temps as low as -4 and as high as 140F. Unlike other satellite phones, the Somewear model is more affordable. They will have monthly plans starting at $15/mo.

Where can I find more info?
The Somewear campaign ends on 5/2/2018 and they are working towards their funding goal of $50,000. You can pre-order a Somewear starting at $299. After the Somewear campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in July 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

Moasure ONE – The World’s First Motion Measure Tool

What is it?
Moasure ONE is a measuring device that uses motion to calculate distance, angle, volume, and area using the same technology used in rockets.

Why do I like it?
I like the Moasure ONE measuring device because all you need to do is move from one spot to the other to get an accurate measurement even if there are walls and furniture in the way. It can even measure irregular shapes which is always a challenge.

Where can I find more info?
The Moasure ONE campaign ends on 4/20/2018 and they have already met and passed their funding goal of $28,161. You can pre-order a Moasure ONE starting at $139. After the Moasure ONE campaign ends, rewards are estimated to start shipping in December 2018. Visit their Kickstarter page for all the details.

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