Meepo MealCubes review – Can these tiny cubes really replace a meal?

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Meepo MealCubes 2

REVIEW – I commuted an hour to work each day before the pandemic. This meant that I had to rush out of the house early in the morning just to sit in a car. In order to get to work on time I started skipping breakfast and instead drinking a meal shake in the car. While it was a good system, I am always looking for other quick, easy to grab, portable breakfasts to add a bit of variety. The Meepo MealCubes piqued my interest as they are preparation free and provide adequate nutrition. These small fruit snack like jelly cubes seemed like a great addition to add to my breakfast options as a meal replacement option for work days.

Meepo MealCubes 1

What is it?

Meepo MealCubes are bite sized fruit snack textured cubes that provide a whole meal of nutrition in an easy to consume form.

Meepo MealCubes 5


Meepo MealCubes 4

These things are cute! They are about half inch cubes in three different colors green, orange and red. They smell great, just like fruit snacks. Each cube has a firm jelly like texture and is dusted in a grainy substance to prevent clumping in the bag. This does get on your fingers but is easy to brush off or even lick off. Each bag is one serving with 420 calories with the nutritional benefit equivalent to 4 oz of salmon, one sweet potato, half an avocado and two cups of kale.

Sadly, I found that these tasted horrible to me. They were sweet at first but as soon as I bit into the cube a spoiled bitter taste coated my whole mouth. I was so taken aback by the taste I had my husband try one as well and he agreed that they did taste off. Perhaps I got a bad batch but as seen in the photo below, the best by date is 7/22 so I know they aren’t past prime. Also, each color cube tasted the same to me as well but I can’t find any documentation specifying if the colors were different flavors or just for appearance.

I wasn’t able to find any nutritional information posted on the website so I had to resort to taking a picture of the back of the bag which came out a little blurry on the edges due to the curve of it.

Meepo MealCubes 3

These do have gelatin in them so if you are vegetarian or vegan these are not for you.

What I like

  • Super portable
  • Great nutritional value

What I’d change

  • TASTE!

Final thoughts

This concept is amazing for many different situations from emergency planning to providing food during a natural disaster to day to day health care where people may not have the appetite to consume large amounts of food. I really really really wanted to like the Meepo MealCubes but the taste was just too hard to get over and I didn’t even finish one out of the two packs I was sent. Perhaps it’s just my taste buds but these sadly are not for me.

Price: $5-$7 per “meal” during the initial launch phase
Where to buy: Meepo
Source: The sample for this review was provided by Meepo

16 thoughts on “Meepo MealCubes review – Can these tiny cubes really replace a meal?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Haha I love it what a funny review! The sci-fi fantasy of a meal in a pill has been attempted once again, and failed once again!

    1. Agreed. And your comment is the most important thing about this ‘non-food’ product. Just. Don’t. Eat. Them. Instead, make yourself a smoothie from real ingredients before you leave home and have that in the car on the way to work. Or take the time to get up earlier and eat an actual real breakfast!

  3. $5-7 dollar introductory price. The regular every day price is going to make these undesirable for the majority of customers. Maybe if they where vegan friendly or tasted amazing they could charge those prices but as is this company will not survive. Why would I pay restaurant prices for the exact same tasting thing every day when I could just call ahead and pickup something I actually want to eat.

  4. So they taste like crap and you have to eat an entire bag of them to not even get a meals worth of calories and nutrition. I’m sure there are millions of idiot yabbo millennials lining up to buy them!

    1. You didn’t read the article, did you? Each cube is a meal of calories. Also millennials are like 40 now and not that dumb, boomer.

      1. Well apparently you are a complete moron. It clearly states that an entire bag contains 420 calories, not really a meal. Next time know what the hell you are talking about before you go throwing around accusations that far better fit yourself than others.

    1. My guy,

      It “clearly states” 420 calories per serving on the bag. Please stop acting like Millennials are complete brainless morons for being willing to try something new when you’re not even willing to admit you’re wrong about something as simple as misreading a nutrition label.

      Have a nice day.

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