Enso gives traditional rings a silicone reboot

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ARTICLE – I spend a lot of time gardening, exercising, traveling, and cleaning up after the people and puppy in my life. None of these are conducive to wearing a valuable ring on my finger, day in and day out.

Nearly 20 years ago, my husband and I purchased our wedding rings from a tiny shop in Valencia, Spain. Then 5 years ago, I inherited my mother-in-law’s beautiful anniversary band. While neither of these is especially valuable dollarwise, they’re irreplaceable and two of my most prized possessions.

After a few close calls where I almost lost them forever, I banished my rings to my jewelry box for special occasions only. Yet, I feel naked without them! And that’s when I found Enso silicone rings.

These simple, unobtrusive bands are flexible, comfortable, and actually look nice. Plus, I don’t have to stress about wearing them while swimming with my boys, scrubbing bathrooms or working out.Enso Ring 3

Enso rings come in three different widths (classic, halo and thin). They feature multiple textures and designs, like smooth, braided, pyramid, hammered, treaded, column, studded and feathered. Enso also offers dozens of colors, from metallics to birthstones, to the often sold-out “Inked” collaboration with Santa Cruz, featuring skateboard-inspired art.

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The company offers an online sizing guide, an engraving option for $9.99, and recently introduced bracelets.

Enso silicone rings range from $11.99 to $39.99 and include a lifetime warranty for rips, tears and discoloration. Find them on the Enso website or Amazon.

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