Apple’s Move to iOS App available on Google Play

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If you’re an Android user considering moving to Apple’s latest iPhone, you might benefit from Apple’s new Android app: Move to iOS.

The app sets up a private WiFi connection between your new iPhone and your Android phone. The app transfer your content and put it in the appropriate places. Data handled includes:

  • Contacts
  • Message history
  • Camera photos and videos
  • Web bookmarks
  • Mail accounts
  • Calendars

Move to iOS is supported on all phones and tablets running Android 4.0 and later.

3 thoughts on “Apple’s Move to iOS App available on Google Play”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Dear Margaret, I really hope that this is an *ironic* review. To all prospective users of this horrendous application, just read the comments on the Android play store.

    NB: We run a dual Android and Apple Household. I have no axe to grind.

    1. I think we need to take 80-100%+ of those negative reviews with a few grains (tons) of salt. As an Android user that has ACTUALLY used the product for it’s intended purpose I have to say it DOES work. The interface is a bit simplistic and clunky, but it is an application that need to be used ONCE. You will not be running this application daily (unless your an employee at a cell phone store). The process is straight through, and easy. It would be nice if you could have more granular control over whats moved, right now you only get large/broad categories. Pictures, Contacts, SMS, etc.

      If you do use this app to switch I would advise you spend some time BEFORE using this application, to cleanup your contacts, photos, messages.

  3. I used this once for one of my employees, as we are a iPhone only company (I personally am an android guy but have to carry an iPhone with me too).

    My Impressions.

    The App does work. It’s pretty rough around the edges and the phone had to be factory reset to use it. However it does work. It moved all my users data to the iPhone. The low ratings on the google store are 90% from people bashing apple for the sake of bashing apple. Not legitimate reviews from people who have used the application. I personally will not be switching to a iDevice anytime soon as my personal phone. But there are people out there that legitimately wish to switch, or must switch because they have no choice.

    The app makes the process of moving your data more straight forward, automating a process. However I want to mention that even WITHOUT the application, getting all your Android data onto the iOS was not a difficult process. Google gives you so many options to export your data into so many formats ONE of them will always work without having to use 3rd party tools or convert files. I wish going from iOS to Android was this simple. I would like to see google create a “Move to Android” app for iOS. However I don’t know how that would work with Apples appstore.

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