Gyroscope – Geeky Spinning Fun

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When I was a kid, there were no iPads, video games, or the Internet. When I wasn’t reading books or taking apart broken appliances to salvage magnets, I was playing with yo-yos and gyroscopes. I hadn’t thought about gyroscopes in years till I happened upon an entire site dedicated to selling them. offers several gyroscopes, but the one shown above really caught my eye. Made of brass and aluminum, it comes with a special electric motor that is used to get it spinning at 12000 RPM. Priced at $98.99, it’s definitely a  pricey toy. Luckily they offer less expensive models starting at $5.99.

1 thought on “Gyroscope – Geeky Spinning Fun”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Ha ha, this is true, no iPads for us. But I think maybe a better way to look at this is, if kids do get a gyroscope and understand how it works, it could be a great introduction to the technology, and who knows what the next generation can come up with gyros

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