ZunZun Computer Laptop Sun Visor Review

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zunzun sun visor

ZunZun is a Dutch company that has a great idea.  They make sun visor shades for computer laptops 10.5″ and 15.6″ and even GPS units. These shades are essentially flexible hoods that attach via elastic bands around your computer to shade the screen so you can see it and still type on your keyboard.  For the record, I like the idea of this product.  

I celebrate this idea.  I love writing outdoors.  I hate being cooped up and lately, my living situation being what it is, I am more prone to cabin fever than ever.   While I am no fan of the State of California per se, the state does boast some lovely parks and fabulous beaches.  All perfect for kicking back, enjoying the fresh air, temperate climate (seriously…it’s early February and even in January…highs were in the mid 60s) and the crashing of the waves.

I’m a surfer…internet surfer.  But still it’s cool to take my laptop out to the beaches near Pacifica or Half Moon Bay and watch the real surfer guys.  I’m a (struggling but aspiring) writer so there are a lot of times I just want to be on the beach doing my thing.   It’s not possible when you can’t see your screen. Computer screen technology has evolved over the years, yes, but Mother Nature on a California beach still has the last word, and I can’t see what I write half the time.

The hood works.  It definitely improves the clarity and reduces glare from the sun.  I have not used the ZunZun GPS sun visors, but the design of the GPS visor is what the design for the laptops should be.

zunzun visor 1

The visor for the laptops encircles the screen while the visor for the  GPS units are really more of a hood covering the top and sides.  As you can see, the visor completely boxes in the screen. You view the screen almost as you would one of those eye exam machines where you view an image through a tunnel.  I’ve taken the bottom half of the visor off so that it’s now a three sided gabled hood, much like ZunZun’s GPS visor.  A hood design, like the computer sun shade featured here, does not interfere with the user’s keyboarding activity.

Simply put, the product works.  It does what it says it’s supposed to do.  But the box-like design of the laptop visor makes it awkward to use your keyboard.  I’m a type-by-touch kind of person but many keyboardists are not…they look at their fingers to see what buttons or keys they’re hitting.  The box-like construction makes that uncomfortable.  A better design for the laptop visor would be the design that ZunZun uses for their GPS units:  the gable-like hood.

At 19.95 Euro or $27.13 (depending on currency rates), you need to love this product in order to purchase it.  ZunZun is a Dutch based company and their products are sold from their website, not sold in stores in the USA.


Product Information

Price:19.95 Euro or about $27.19 US Currency
  • 10" Netbook or 15.6" laptop
  • Product works. If you are working out of doors, the visor, simply put, helps you see what you've got on your screen.
  • The box-like construction of the laptop visor is clumsy, awkward and unwieldy. A better design would be the hood-like structure of ZunZun's GPS sun visors which leaves the bottom open and shades the top and sides of the electronic device.
  • Also, you can only purchase this product from the Dutch company's website.

9 thoughts on “ZunZun Computer Laptop Sun Visor Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Sorry, but there is no way I’d ever use something like that. I would rather stay inside rather than strap that onto my laptop.

  3. This reminds me of a visor I once saw on this website which you’d put onto your head and put your iPhone on the other end.

    Made you look as a complete fool.

    don’t remember the name though …


  4. OR, manufacturers should stop snorking cocaine and make mate lcd panels instead of the bathroom mirror like glossy ones….

  5. Griffgear (a company run by an Aussie newspaper photographer) has been offering a similar thing for years
    Nearly every Australian Newspaper photographer i have met uses one.
    Durable Nylon, velcro adjustability and a Lycra back to hold it onto the laptop.

    it even has 2 straps and velcro swatches to hold it shut in your laptop bag, and additional stripe of Velcro across the top allows you to velcro your cardreader, and a Mifi type device or higher gain antenna for your dongle to the cover.

    I have one for my work laptop, and one for my personal laptop
    i use them regularly, having a bit of sun out is no excuse for not getting your pictures back to the office

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