Tired of Hunting for WiFi Hotspots? Clear Internet Has What You’ve Been Looking For.

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clear logoYou’ve got a ton of mobile gear – tablet, smartphone, laptop – that’s supposed to unchain you from your desk.  You should be able to do business anywhere you find yourself with all this mobile equipment, but there’s one small problem.  You can’t do anything without an internet connection.  Buying service plans for each and every mobile device gets very expensive, so you may decide to just make use of Starbuck‘s free WiFi.  Public hotspots present their own set of problems – slow connections, time limits, and difficulties getting connected.  Plus, it’s not secure – do you really want to conduct business over a public hotspot like that?

What you need is a fast, secure, personal hotspot.  Clear Internet, the leader in wireless internet connectivity, has the best service and the strongest signals of any MiFi network.  Clear Internet is the best solution in the 4G MiFi field.  With a mobile plan from Clear Internet, you’ll have unlimited data on their 4G network. With your own personal MiFi hotspot, you’ll be able to conduct business anywhere, on a fast, secure, and reliable connection – and no sharing with a roomful of coffee shop customers!

Go to the Clear Internet site to learn more about their plans and learn how they can help keep you connected with your customers no matter where your day takes you.

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