Win a Set of Able Planet PS500MM True Fidelity Multimedia Headphones

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I recently reviewed this Able Planet headset. If you read the review, you know I was thrilled with the quality and performance of them. I like them so well, I wanted to get a pair as a give away. And not my set! Hands off! So Julie contacted the good folks at Able Planet and they ponied up for the contest. This is a wicked headset from a very cool company. You can read my original review here to find out all about them.

Julie brought me onboard to cover gaming topics. I’m heavily geared toward PC gaming although there’s almost every current console and handheld gaming device in our household. So what I want to know is what our readers are interested in concerning gaming. Give me some ideas for reviews or general topics to cover. It could be a piece of hardware or gaming accessory. As this is a fairly new concentration of The Gadgeteer, we want to deliver what the readers want. So let us know.

How to enter

1. Between now and Wednesday 05/13/2009 11:59PM EST Sign up with twitter and follow @thegadgeteer

2. Then send the following tweet:

RT Win a a set of Able Planet PS500MM True Fidelity Multimedia Headphones @thegadgeteer Full details at

3. Come back here and leave a comment with a suggestion for a review or topic that pertains to gaming,  to cover along with your twitter name.

4. At some point on 05/14/2009, I’ll pick a random winner using The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to accept the prize. If I do not receive an answer, I’ll do another drawing.


1. One entry per person.

2. Must be a US resident.

3. You must not have already won a prize here on The Gadgeteer in the last month.

4. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

Update 5/14/09: By random draw #10 Preston Huff wins.

20 thoughts on “Win a Set of Able Planet PS500MM True Fidelity Multimedia Headphones”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. My twitter name is exillinimj. I think you should do an updated review on roombas. I need a new set of headphones too :).

  3. @ exillinimj, we appreciate the comment, but unless the new roomba can be controlled with a flight stick, and has machine guns on it to pwn mice, I won’t be reviewing it lol. I should have made it clear we need a comment that pertains to gaming. Feel free to try again, but don’t worry, you’re still in the running, I’ve updated the post to emphasize that. Thanks!

  4. I’d like to see reviews about handheld game systems. My grandkids love theirs and to shop I need to know about them! Thanks! Ahhh, but the headphones would be mine! LOL

  5. I would love a gamer review for has been gamers. Once I got married and had the 2.0’s, there was no more time for gaming. Sure I logged on and got fragged in Counterstrike becaue I could login in and out in 15 minutes twice a week, but where does the old gamer who does not have time to hit 500 levels and wait 2 hours between game saves like me to go until the kids are teenage zombies gamers themselves? (Oh, and momma don’t ‘low no gaming consoles in the house, so PC only) I would love to see that review. Tweet sent, Twitter name FerSidhe.

  6. I’m Avaviel on twitter.

    I’d like to see a section on console/PC modding. For example, maybe taking a console and putting it into a PC case… or even more fun, putting it into an oil cooled case. Not exactly gaming, I know, but I love hardware! Maybe thats it, cover some weird gaming hardware.

  7. @ Mickey, I feel you dog.. I’m living it! I just blew some green on a gaming laptop because my wife says I’ve got to get out of my Fortress of Gaming Solitude more often. So now I frag from the couch, and you can bet I’ll be covering things from that perspective! Great comment, and there’s definitely a large group of us out here, once mighty kings of online pwnage and forum flame wars, that now sadly, are relegated to taking out the trash and putting dirty clothes in the correct hamper……oh the humanity…

  8. I would love to see games that simple people like myself would enjoy more.
    Games that don’t require major brain power or a degree to play but at the same time complex enough to keep adults interested.
    Wii has gone a long way towards this but can be too simple and sophmoric.
    Love your website, thank you for making a great addition to my myyahoo homepage.
    Twitter: velvetpunch

    -Norberto Maldonado

  9. twitter name: ph7957

    I’d love to learn about some emulators to play legacy games from the 80’s and 90’s. Thanks for hosting the contest. I’ve been a daily fan of Gadgeteer since 2001!

  10. Twitter handle is the same as what I’ve used here.

    I’d like to see reviews of gaming controllers, mostly things that could be used instead of the keyboard, like the Belkin Nostromo line or the Ideazon Fang.

  11. My Twitter name is uzziah0.

    I would like to see coverage of some WM puzzle games, the ones where you have to solve the puzzle to move to the next level.
    I would also like to see some stuff on kids apps, or kid friendly. I am using a Axim x51v, and my son (6 years old) uses my old X5. All he does is play games with it, but I think I’m bringing him up to appreciate gadgets and get used to using them. He also uses a couple of drawing programs on it.

  12. To add to that… maybe games that go beyond what is normally in them? For instance, I just played Red Alert 3. Its ok, and has some Hi-def videos. However, in the same genere is Supreme Commander. That game is AWESOME, simply for its control scheme… you can command units to do things in order. Sounds simple… but you can pause the game, and input a series of orders to hundreds, or more, to units, and then they carry it out!

    Oh, and I entered the contest above, but I just wanted to add that thought.

  13. I would like to see reviews of online games, like ikariam, battlefield heroes etc. Free games everyone can have access too but may not know about. The inside scoop track on such games would be cool. On the other hand i also like reviews on headphones and other peripherals used for gaming. Just keep them short enough to read through quick 😉

  14. I’d love to see a review comparing the DSi with the DS. I’m wondering if its worth getting a new unit. Plus, any game reviews for action games wouldbe great.

    My twitter name is Heatwave316

  15. my twitter name is doozercries

    i dunno if you can but i’d like to hear about moding. I want to know how it’s done, and well if it’ll get y’all in trouble i like to hear about the new nintendo dsi.

  16. By random draw #10 Preston Huff wins. I’ve sent Preston and email and will wait 48hrs to hear from him. If I don’t, we’ll have another random draw.

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