I am happy to announce that we now have the ability to use avatars in the comment system. We’re using the universal avatar service called Gravatar. It’s completely free, so go to the site and sign up now :o) It will automatically associate the avatar that you setup for the email address that you used when you registered here at The Gadgeteer.
Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
Hmm. Let’s see if my avatar is working. This will add a nice touch to the ol’ comment section for sure.
[edit] It works! It works! [/edit]
[Edited at April 05, 2008 11:10:02 AM.]
One more thing to take note of: the site will only show avatars rated G or PG. If you have an R or X rated Gravatar, or an unrated one (if that’s even possible), you won’t see it here (or on many other sites, I suspect). So, if you’re signing up for a new Gravatar now, please make sure to rate your picture appropriately.
I just had to post a comment to check this out…
By the way, did I catch somewhere that one of the Gadgeteers is from San Angelo, TX? I’m in nearby Odessa!
Rob O’Daniel:
Nope, not any more.