10 of my favorite web sites to visit everyday

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I spend a substantial amount of my day surfing gadget related news and information sites. I thought I’d share my 10 favorite sites with you, in hopes that you all might comment with your own list of favorite sites. I’m always looking to add even more of them to my google reader account! So here they are in no particular order…

1. Engadget – You knew this site would be on my list! I have been reading “Engadget” back in the day when it was called Gizmodo. This site is a gadget / tech lover’s go to place for the latest news and gadget paparazzi shots. They offer up an insane number of everyday, so I never get bored with their content. It’s also the site I stay glued to whenever Apple has a live event as someone they always have a streaming feed that makes us feel like we’re there with them.

2. Gizmodo. Another mega posting gadget news site that is a must read. I do prefer Engadget though as Gizmodo can be a little crude at times.

3. EDC Reviews – EDC stands for Everyday Carry. I always enjoy reading about really cool flashlights and knives on this site.

4. PalmAddicts – You can probably figure out from the site name that this is a blog with a heavy focus on Palm OS related content. They actually do a fair amount of Windows Mobile posts too though…

5. Lifehacker – Not a gadget site, but always a great place to learn something useful / handy every day.

6. digg – Another great site to find new tech / gadget news.

7. MAKE Magazine Blog – If you like to tinker or like to read about tinkering, then this is a must read. Make is a very cool magazine (I’m a subscriber) that has all kinds of info for making all kinds of cool things.

8. CrunchGear – Another nice news blog that doesn’t just regurgitate news found on a lot of the other big sites.

9. Ubergizmo – This is a gadget news site that can definitely give Engadget and Gizmodo some real competition! I’m not just saying that because Hubert (owner) is a friend of mine :o)

10. Instructables – Another DIY, How-to site. I love these kinds of sites because I always learn something new and fun.

Ok, that’s 10 of my favorite sites to waste time on. Now it’s your turn. Please reply with your faves.

10 thoughts on “10 of my favorite web sites to visit everyday”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I have one site.

    Google Reader. http://www.google.com/reader/view

    But of course, there are the feeds. My faves (6, not 10)

    • AutoBlog
    • CuteOverload
    • Engadget
    • GottaBeMobile
    • jkOnTheRun
    • The Gadgeteer

    (in alphabetical order because I went down the list of my favorite feeds…)

    I spent too much time at Digg, so I took it off the list. And Gizmodo is good too, but a few weeks ago, some of their feeds kept crashing my Google Reader so I took them off and never put them back… yikes for them.

  3. Here’s my top 10 (not necessarily in that order)

    The Gadgeteer
    Facebook (I’m so addicted to it now)

  4. Mark Rosengarten

    In this order, the sites I visit from the start of every day:

    1) Woot
    2) Techbargains
    3) The Gadgeteer
    4) Engadget
    5) Gizmodo
    6) Brighthand
    7) NOAA
    8) Storm Prediction Center
    9) Spaceweather
    10) New York Times

    Throughout the day, I check PalmAddicts, Times-Herald Record Online, Ebay, Astromart, Silver Lining Tours forum, Stormtrack.org, rap.ucar.edu/weather as well.


  5. would only add treehugger.com
    The innovations are really interesting plus since we’re getting ready to get into some pretty big projects around the house might was well learn about the green alternatives.

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