Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-03-25

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I wanted to update everyone on how life has been so far with my
iMac. For those of you following along at home, I purchased a 20″
G5 iMac at the beginning of July last year. It was my third attempt
(and I hoped my last…) at switching away from Windows XP. I’m
happy to report that more than 8 months have passed, and I’m still
a happy Mac camper. In fact, I now have 3 Mac computers (20″ G5
iMac, Mac Mini, and 12″ Powerbook) in my house and 0 Windows
computers. At this point, I don’t see myself switching back to
Windows. Yes, I will probably end up with another Windows computer
at some point, to help with product reviews, but that will be the
extent of it.

Right now, I have a project that I hope to start working on
soon. I want to create the ultimate clock radio, by using my iMac
and a PDA. The PDA will probably the the Treo, unless I decide to
get a Palm TX. Or, I guess I could use the Dell X50 Pocket PC.
Anyway, the plan is to interface the Mac with Griffin’s Radio
Shark, iTunes, info from iCalendar, and info from the Web. I want
the PDA to wake me up with my choice of a local radio station,
internet radio station or iTunes playlist, then after a specified
length of time, it will read the current weather forecast, national
news, and any iCalendar appointments for the day.

The problem will be gathering all this info easily, and finding
a way to stream it to the PDA in the bedroom. There’s also the
little fact that I’m not a Palm or Mac programmer. That might be a
problem huh? ;o) I’m hoping I can use Unix shell scripts (I am good
at writing them), and maybe Applescript. Anyway, if anyone out
there wants to offer advice, help, etc, drop me a line. Maybe there
is already something out there that does everything I want. I doubt
it though.

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