NEWS – Last fall Apple released the newest iteration of their Mac mini desktop computer. It’s an insanely power computer in a super slick form factor, available with low-cost versions or extra powerful versions. (I got the extra powerful one.) If you’re thinking about picking one up, it may be that you have a moment of wistful thinking, wishing you could return to a time when your computer (and your life) was simpler. I can’t wind back the clock for you, but I can let you know about a way to get a retro look for a new Mac mini. A company called ColorWare reskins Mac minis and then resells them. They have both the retro beige look, which I absolutely love, and a black one as well. What’s the catch, you ask? There’s a $300 markup for the skin, which is rather steep. Still, if you want a daily reminder of times gone by, it might be worth it.