ANKOMN 2-in-1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop review

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ANKOMN 2 in 1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop 6

REVIEW – Coffee is life, and I love a good coffee gadget! I’m testing the ANKOMN 2-in-1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop, a clever little accessory that makes my morning routine *just* a bit easier. Plus it matches my new favorite mug! Hey! Ho! Let’s go… to the review!

What is it?

It’s a coffee scoop with a leveling slider.

Design and features

The ANKOMN 2-1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop is a really well designed coffee scoop! It is lightweight, has a nicely contoured grip for easy handling, and sports a flat bottom that allows you to rest the spoon on a table surface even and it won’t roll around on you. And it looks cool… kind of a “serious coffee enthusiast” vibe.

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The sliding lid is also for leveling your scoop. It pops off for easy removal and cleaning, which is an extra bonus.

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That slider snaps into groves that you can see from the side view here in the side profile.ANKOMN 2 in 1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop 1

The scoop actually has two business ends. The back end is a simple scoop, useful for moving your whole beans from the bag to the grinder.

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If you’re a “measure by weight” person you’ll love this. Here I have my scale zeroed out to account for the bin on my Baratza Encore, and I’m weighing out 20 grams of beans for the next cup.

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And if you’re using ground coffee, the business end of the scoop measures exactly 2 tablespoons of coffee. Grab a scoop, and use that sliding lid to level your grind for a perfect measurement. Behold!

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I use an Aeropress setup at home, so this is the way I prepare my cup if I am using ground beans. I use a ratio of 2 scoops of ground beans (4 tablespoons) for 10 ounces of water and get a perfect cup of coffee every time. I do like my coffee strong, though. You’ll probably want to play around to get those ratios where you want them.

Which brings me to the one design improvement I’d really like in future versions of this scoop: more measurement options. It will measure a perfect 2 tablespoons every time, but I’d love to see notches on the slider so that you could portion out 1, 2 or 3 tablespoon measurements. That would it make it more flexible for coffee drinkers looking for specific ratios, and even more useful for applications like cooking/baking when measuring dry goods.

What I like

  • Flat bottom doesn’t roll around on the counter
  • Perfect 2 tablespoon portioning with leveling lid
  • Two-piece design makes it easy to clean
  • Scoop side is great for getting precise measure portions of whole beans

What needs to be improved

  • Would like to see more measurement options on the spoon for 1, 2, and 3 tablespoon measurements

Final thoughts

I really like the ANKOMN 2-in-1 Smart Coffee Measuring Scoop. It’s officially secured “essential item” status in my kitchen, and has become part of my coffee kit along with my Baratza grinder & Aeropress. It’s also a great little gift item for the coffee junkie in your life. You can’t have the mug, though. That’s mine. Gabba Gabba Hey!

Price: Currently on sale for $7.19, and they offer discounts if you purchase multiple scoops.
Where to buy: You can buy it at from the product page on the ANKOMN web site and Amazon
Source: The sample of this product was provided by Ankomn.

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