The BeepEgg Perfect Egg Timer sings when your eggs are boiled eggs-actly right

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NEWS – I like hardboiled eggs, and over the years I’ve tried lots of different recipes and techniques including using an air fryer. However, I can never seem to get them right. The BeepEgg floating egg timer ensures that your eggs will turn out every time.

The egg-shaped timer actually lives in the fridge with your eggs and goes directly into the pot floating right alongside them. It’s temperature sensitive and belts out a tune when the eggs are perfectly cooked.

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There are three different songs in total. BeepEgg tunes include “Oh Susana” for soft boiled. “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” for medium-boiled, and “Hail, Hail The Gangs All Here” for hardboiled. There’s even a Patriotic version that plays “Amazing Grace”, “Star Spangled Banner”, and “America, The Beautiful” respectively.

The timer works in all altitudes and can boil any number of eggs.

The BeepEgg Perfect Egg Timer comes in your choice of red, yellow, and patriotic (red & blue w/white stars). It’s available from The Grommet for $19.95.

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