The single-cup coffeemaker that grinds your own beans before brewing coffee

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Most single-cup coffeemakers require you to use pre-made pods with coffee inside.  If you fill your own reusable pods, you can use your own freshly ground beans, but you have no idea how long ago the stuff in those pre-made pods was ground.  To insure you have the freshest, tastiest cup of coffee without having to fill up a reusable pod, try the Single Cup Grind and Brew Coffeemaker.  You won’t use a pod at all.  Just drop in the amount of beans for your coffee, add up to 16 ounces of water, and press a button.  The machine will grind the beans into a reusable filter then brew the coffee.  You’ll be drinking freshly ground, freshly brewed coffee in about 2.5 minutes.  If you prefer to buy pre-ground coffee or prefer to use your own grinder, the coffeemaker’s grinder can be turned off, but you still won’t have to make your own pod.  Coffee will brew directly into your cup, or you can remove the drip tray to fit a commuter mug under the brewer.  The stainless steel unit has an automatic cutoff, and its components can be washed in the dishwasher.  The Single Cup Grind and Brew Coffeemaker is $99.99 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

6 thoughts on “The single-cup coffeemaker that grinds your own beans before brewing coffee”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. My only con is that my 26 oz mug will probably not fit. I really need caffeine in the AM! So nice that the latest scientific studies say lots of coffee is actually good for me.

    Seriously gadgeteers – this is a potentially good product as all those used PODs are becoming a major environmental problem. They are not biodegradable and because the pod coffee makers are so popular, they are filling up landmasses big time!

    Happy St Paddys day all.

    1. This news post is about a single-cup coffee brewer. You linked to espresso machines, most of them costing thousands of dollars. Espresso and coffee are not interchangable to most people, so I think these espresso machines aren’t suitable replacements for a coffee brewer. I did see that the company sells coffee makers, including a Keurig single-cup brewer that would create all the non-recyclable waste this machine is designed to reduce.

  3. If you like the taste of drip coffee, that machine seems like a good inexpensive one. Espresso makers tend to be more complicated and expensive.

    But, if you are in search for good coffee (in my opinion), a Breville espresso machine can be had for around $500, and makes excellent Americano which is a fancy version of drip coffee. You start out by making an espresso, then add hot water to dilute it to the strength that you want. How is it better than drip coffee? Espresso shots are made by pumping hot water through compressed ground for about 15-25 seconds. You end up with coffee that tastes less acidic, and you also use less ground coffee, and end up with a cup with less caffeine. With my Breville I can make a cup of coffee in about 2 minutes, plus the time it takes to boil the water. I normally drink espresso, cappuccino, or latte, so it will take me about 4 minutes or less to make my coffee.

    So yes, a $100 drip coffee maker that grinds its own bean is simpler. But if you want really great coffee (in my opinion, as people’s taste are different. Some like the acidic taste of coffee, others like me prefer a more mellow taste) and the option of making other coffee drinks besides drip coffee, a good espresso machine like a Breville can be had for around $500. If you buy a few latte a week, the Breville can pay for itself in less than a year. Mine makes better coffee than most coffee shops I frequented, and I am picky.

    An espresso shot over a scoop of vanilla ice cream is heavenly.

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