This TV sound system lets you bring the speaker closer to you without moving the TV

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When I lived in a standalone house, I could crank the TV volume loud enough to hear what was being said over the music and background noises.  Now that I live in a condo building, I have to worry about keeping my noise levels down, so I constantly find myself asking “what did he say?” because those pesky Walking Dead were moaning so loudly that I couldn’t hear what Hershel was saying.  The Portable Voice Clarifying TV Speaker boosts the sound frequencies of human speech, which makes voices sound clearer.  (I’ll assume that undead moans aren’t in the normal voice frequencies…)  You connect the powered base to the sound output from your TV, and you should be able to hear conversations in your programming better.  The base also has a radio transmitter in it, so you can pop the speaker off and bring it closer to you for even better sound, up to 100 feet away from the base.  The speaker is charged by the base (2 hour charge time gives 8 hours listening time), and it has its own volume and tone controls and a headphone jack so you can listen without disturbing anyone else in the room.  The Portable Voice Clarifying TV Speaker is $149.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

3 thoughts on “This TV sound system lets you bring the speaker closer to you without moving the TV”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I don’t worry about the neighbors but I found a cheaper solution. I turn on closed captioning.

    It’s also great for all those Brit dramas with Scottish, Irish, Cockney, and Welsh accents I can’t understand.

  3. “I don’t worry about the neighbors but I found a cheaper solution. I turn on closed captioning.”

    I feel really stupid, for not thinking of this when watching TV while the kiddo is sleeping.

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