Now for something completely different the Mini Museum

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mini museum

You are a person of intrigue and as such you are a trend setter, a person living on the edge with the latest and greatest, a pioneer in cool. So what can I get to impress you, to wow you, to elevate my status beyond worldly? How about the Mini Museum a Kick-starter project from Hans Fex? The Mini Museum is a collection of up to 33 rare and unique specimens encased in a clear resin. With such unique items as dinosaur poo (ok dung, but poo sounds funnier), mummy wrap, lunar rock, and Apollo 11 command module foil the Mini Museum is sure to be one of your most unusual possessions. The Mini Museum comes in three specimen sizes small (11 specimens), medium (22 specimens) and large (33 specimens) and several pledge points with a $79 dollar pledge for the small Mini Museum. I will note all of the funding points have limits on how many will be produced. This project is seeking funding until March 20. 2014 and if successfully funded the Mini Museums are slated to ship as early as July 2014.

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