It was lost but now it is found with Stick-N-Find Bluetooth location stickers

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So are you like me and always misplacing your car keys or phone throughout your day? If you suffer from this affliction, you may want to take a look at the Stick-N-Find Bluetooth-powered ultra small location stickers from a start up project on the indiegogo web site. The Stick-N-Find location stickers are about the size and thickness of a quarter .  You stick them to your items that you can track via an app on your Apple iOS or Android device. The Stick-N-Find not only allows you to track it by Bluetooth, but it also has a built-in buzzer and light to allow you to hear and see the item you are looking for, even at night. The range on the Stick-N-Find is approximately 100 feet, and the battery should last for a year. The Stick-N-Find software packages offer some unique and useful features, such as the “radar screen” that will help you find your lost item. The “leash” feature allows you to set an alert if an your tagged item is beyond a proximity distance set by you. The “find it” feature lets you know when a missing item is in range of the device you are using to track it. The software for the Stick-N-Find will allow you to track up to 20 devices at one time, but it is limited to the Bluetooth 4.0 standard.

This indiegogo project is fully funded at this time, but you can still contribute until it closes on January 21, 2013. The funding options for this project range from $35.00 (you get 2 Stick-N-Finds) all the way up to $1400.00 (for 100 Stick-N-Finds).  It is slated to be delivered in the March 2013 time frame.

4 thoughts on “It was lost but now it is found with Stick-N-Find Bluetooth location stickers”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. They should partner up with some manufacturers of remote controls and cordless phones to have the functionality builtin to those common items that are regularly misplaced.

  3. I do wish it was backwards compatible with older Bluetooth standards but I guess the 4.0 standard is what is allowing it to have such good range.

  4. @vikram2010 While services like that are nice, I have found free alternatives to paying for this type of service, number one being your local law enforcement agency. There is also a nice ehow article

    with helpful information. I am not saying the suggested service is bad but I would rather not pay for something I can get for free.

    That’s just my 2 cents worth, can i get some change?

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