Julie’s Gadget Diary – I’ve Decided Not to Order the iPhone 5

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I sorta hesitate to post this for the world to see because I’ve been known to change my mind. A lot. After feeling more fizzle than sparkle about Wednesday’s iPhone 5 unveiling, I’ve been going back and forth in my mind about my decision to pre-order one. I have been saving my Verizon upgrade since April, with plans to use it on the iPhone 5. But now that it’s here, it’s just not different enough than my current iPhone 4S and I find that I have almost zero desire for it.  My first idea was to go ahead and pre-order the iPhone 5 and also buy one of the top of the line Android phones at the same time. That way I’d have the iPhone for reviews and the new Android phone as my primary device. But I changed my mind on that idea. See, I told you, I do that a lot. Instead, I’m going to spend my upgrade on an Android phone and take a “vacation” from the iPhone. Janet says that I am going to have to turn in my Apple fangirl card if I do that, but I am just exercising my right to switch things up. I don’t like being predictable 🙂 Now I just need to figure out which Android to get…

47 thoughts on “Julie’s Gadget Diary – I’ve Decided Not to Order the iPhone 5”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I feel exactly the same way. I like my 4s and plan to stick with it. The 5 just doesn’t seem to offer all that much in the way of improvements. Gotta wonder if it would have been different if Jobs were still around…

  3. Totally valid.

    As a little background, we bought the 128K Mac when it first came out and did our own memory upgrades to 512K…so we have been Apple Fans for a while.

    We pre-ordered the iPad on the earliest possible day when it was introduced because it was a new and unique device. We did upgrade to the iPad2 because it had some critical updates.

    However, we have yet to upgrade our iPhone4 units because both the “S” and the “5” updates, while interesting (thinner, faster, clearer), are not revolutionary.

    Besides, we are not ready to upgrade all of our accessories.

  4. First off thank you for all your reviews, the emails I get are the one thing I look forward to reading.
    I would suggest the Galaxy S3….I rooted mine as soon as I got it and haven’t been able to put it down.


  5. Yup, I am feeling the same way. I had an Iphone 3 and then a 4s. I have also had an HTC Evo that I loved for the functionality and screen but hated for the battery. This past July I got myself the Galaxy SIII and for the first time in a long time I am truly happy! I love the screen, battery life and functionality. The iPhone 5 is not going to give me anything that is lacking on my current phone and I actually see it as a step back in screen size. I still have my iMac at home that I use for photography, but my job and main computer is still on a Windows 7 laptop.

    I am seriously contemplating a new Kindle Fire HD. I actually own an Ipdad 3. It really is a nice device, but I do find it rather heavy, and it is not something i use every day. I don’t know, the reviews I have been seeing on that are making me reconsider. Maybe that iPad mini will be coming out soon.

  6. As someone who reviews many iPhone accessories with the (now obsolete) dock, I feel Julie’s pain.

    Julie: Would you have upgraded to an iPhone 5 if you had the 4 and not the 4S? I think that’s where a lot of people are right now.

    1. @Bill I would feel exactly the same way if I had the iPhone 4 instead of the 4S. To my way of thinking, the iPhone 5 is just a taller and skinnier iPhone 4/4S with a little extra salt and pepper sprinkled on top (little better camera, LTE, new connector, iOS6). I had these same meh feelings when I upgraded from the 4 to the 4S. That’s why I have decided to wait and or completely skip this model.

  7. I’m holding back due to the new connector. As soon as there are new auto headunits and docks, I’ll get aboard the upgrade train. Using an inline adapter is too kludgy and not a viable option for my setups.

  8. @Lynn,

    We have been using the Kindle Fire (not HD) and have found that while the lighter device is nice, the small screen REALLY gets in the way of web surfing. The text is legible, but tiny.

    Until sites have pages which automatically reformat for a 7″ screen, don’t expect the experience to be as enjoyable as with the iPad.

  9. It’s gotta be a Galaxy Note 2. 1.6 GHz quad core processor, 2 gigs RAM, 5.55″ Hi Res screen, 64 gigs storage, micro SD card storage up to 64 gigs (with a 128 gig card in the future), 3100 ma battery, S pen, NFC and Jelly Bean OS.

    Don’t listen to the claim that it’s too large. I have a Note and it’s thin enough to fit in my shirt pocket and is very comfortable in my small hand. I will grant that it’s a problem to dial one handed although you could use voice dialing.

  10. Good call. There are so many reasons not to upgrade like the interface change that is still not to an industry standard one, curbing consumption and environmental damage, and better products existing on the more open platform of Android.

    I think anyone upgrading should first be forced to watch Jimmy Kimmel’s video and ponder their “need” for 24 hours.

  11. Galaxy S3, Google Nexus or the HTC Droid are all good phone maybe get all 3 somehow and do a side by side comparison…..that would be a great read for all of us who follow you.

    Have a great day and good luck on your quest.


  12. Trust me, once you hold it you’ll want to get it. It is strangely light and really top of the line industrial design. The speed is even better than my 4s.

  13. Oh Paul, I didn’t want to hear about the “shiny item syndrome.” I had also decided not to get the iPhone5. Just not enough extra there to interest me. But now…. I’ll have to go hold one and see what kind of magical spell comes over me.

  14. I hate to say it but I think this smart phone craze has done to far. I have a BB for work but ti be honest when I get my own phone again I think I may go back to one of my old Nokia bar phones. Don’t get me wrong I love technology but with phones getting bigger its almost as easy just to carry my iPad around. For me I think its just all getting to complicated, “I just need to make a phone call”.

  15. Dear Julie, Thanks. I was two-minded about getting the iPhone 5. You have confirmed it. The new “lightning” cable , and nano SIM is a major turnoff.

  16. I’m leaning towards the new Nokia 920 that will be coming out soon. Or at least that is in my crosshairs. I am not eligible for an upgrade until next Spring but the 920 brings a LOT of nice things to the table.
    I also like the SIII by Samsung.
    I’m currently using a DX2 and was on an OG Droid since they first came out.

    1. @Paul There is no denying that I absolutely love Apple hardware. The iPhone 4S is the most solid, nicest looking/feeling phone I’ve used to date. I’m sure the iPhone 5 will be just as nice. But it still doesn’t trip my gadget lust trigger. Maybe I’ll start having iPhone 5 envy once people start talking about / reviewing them. We’ll see.

  17. I’m a Apple guy. My computers have (with rare exceptions) been Macs, I support the platform for a living, and I own a modest amount of content purchased through iTunes. I don’t have any plans to change any of that. How-*ev*-errrrr….

    This year I sold my iPad and iPhone 4, and am now using a 7″ Galaxy Tab and a Galaxy S III phone. Don’t regret it for a moment.

    Make of that what you will.

  18. Well, I think you are all sheep…and short sighted…and finally, most of you will end up buying the new 5. It’s exciting and a completely new phone. What’s the matter with you all? You read Julie’s comments and decide she’s right on…and guess what…she will eventually change her mind. The other smart phones out there are phones, but they are all different, made by different companies and do not integrated smoothly with their respective manufacturer’s.

  19. @Larry G – Agreed. I ended up with my HTC Desire 2 years ago not because it was one of the first Android phone available down here in Aus, but because the screen was smaller than any of the Windows phones available at the time. I’ve just gone through the “phone envy” stage where all my mates have got new HOXs, Nexus and SIIIs but have finally got over it because the Desire is robust and small enough just to throw into my front jeans pocket. My phone is just a phone and my tablet does all the “heavy lifting”.

  20. I’m waiting for the next gen CPU for my next phone and a good tablet. The A15 ARM CPUs will be a HUGE difference, plus the new GPUs (on the table) will make them a lot better too. I know tech keeps changing but the new CPUs will be a lot better than the current ones. Of course, they’ll cost more too. 😉

  21. LOL, what fun to read all those comments on your new decision.
    Not upgrade to the iPhone5, how is that possible …

    Well it is, obviously, and you’re not alone. 🙂

    My iPhone 4 is still great, and I still love my Nokia E90 (if only they’d upgraded that device’s software).

    I hate iTunes but have to use it to manage my iPhone4 en iPad3.
    I dislike MS-office on my Mac-mini at home, much more prefer the Windows XP I’m used to at work.

    I’d be very much interested in reviews of the upcoming Windows 8 devices. If MS plays it right, let’s this phone works smoothly with MS Office and Exchange-server, they can still get a resonable size of the enterprise market.

  22. I have been waiting for the iPhone 5 as a possible first smartphone for my wife. The fact that an iPhone 4 is now free…..with a data plan….. and will be getting iOS6 is really attractive. There is no big draw to go with a 5. Personally, I love my Nexus S though AT&T is so slow with upgrades, I am looking at having to buy my way into JB instead of getting an OTA upgrade. Galaxy S III is getting my vote.

  23. Somebody recommended the Galaxy Note 2, which I think saw might be coming to Verizon. I’ve been using the Note 1 since late last year (unlocked international version), and it is one fantastic device — and with a stylus. You might look at that. I sometimes use it with a bluetooth keyboard, and the USB dongle lets me have access to all my working files that are backed up on a 16GB Survivor flash drive. What I like is being able to take a photo and then annotate it with the stylus and save it.

  24. Congratulation Julie on your decision to go Android, it seems that the iPhone is always a step in a half behind the great features offered up by Moto, HTC, and of course Samsung. As for me I’m all geeked up about getting my hands on the Galaxy Note II, the performance is equal to the Galaxy III and the gorgeous Super Amoled HD screen to to die for. ATT plans to release it next month so hold off on the Galaxy until you test drive the Note II.

  25. I’ve been sitting with a old 3GS on AT&T grandfathered with unlimited data watching and waiting to pounce. I also still have a first gen iPad. I’ve been drooling over the Samsung S2 and even more the S3 and I’m also very intrigued by the Note2. So, as you can see I’m deeply invested in the iOS world of apps and goods. We are getting older, myself turning 46 in a few months and my stupid eyes can’t hardly focus on the seemingly tiny screen of the 3GS anymore. I don’t think the new iPhone 5 size increase is enough to hold me. Plus the primeum $100-200 price tag Apple demands is tuff to hurdle. I’ve heard a few hands on reviews of the iPhone 5 and they claim you have to hold it to really appreciate how good it is. Aghhhhh, Apple!! You and your spell casting ways. I really want a Note2….. Still in my indecisive holding pattern. Sigh….

  26. @Julie
    Part of me feels disappointed because I love your reviews.

    But I totally agree with your decision. You need to think about upgrading for those devices that have moved far enough ahead of the one you’re using to justify breaking out of a 2 year contract and/or putting down your hard earned $$$. In fact, I personally believe that this is the thinking behind Apple’s annual 1/2 step upgrades in their products (from 4 – 4S; 4S-5). This allows customers to upgrade to new devices (and carriers), as their contracts expire without feeling that they are missing out on the newer technology.

    So, because you have a 4S and at least another year on your mobile contract, perhaps you can wait for to enjoy what’s offered next year’s iPhone5S or 6.

    Timing when you want to get on the technology bandwagon is another consideration. Perhaps the hardest. 🙂

  27. After having a droid G2 since release I’m looking at either the Nokia 920 or the iPhone5. If you want to go the droid route, I know a few people that are happy with the Galaxy S3.

  28. @Dan Pierce. Thanks for the link, Dan. I was outspoken in my criticism of Apple not supporting the micro-USB standard. This is an explanation that makes sense to me.

  29. Apple is not an innovator anymore. It is just another coporation afraid of losing profits.
    For Apple fanboys, and girls. I have my fair share of Apple stuffs including, Mcbook pro, Ipod touch, ipod classic, Iphone 4s, Apple TV, and not to mention,Ipad2. Heck, I even still have Mcbook from 1996! So, don’t you dare to call me Apple hater. Lol.
    I was sorely disappointed about iphone 5. Period.

  30. @Utthal You can surf and talk simultaneously with AT&T’s network. You can also surf and talk simultaneously with Verizon and Sprint when you are also connected to WiFi. That was discussed in the article you linked to, and the reasons for this were discussed. Even with my old Verizon iPhone 4, I could surf while I talked when I was connected to WiFi.

  31. @Hai – had a quick look at your list and there’s definitely Android equivalents of all your programs. All the cloud storage apps are the same as in iOs or you can use a single app like ES File Explorer (search Gadgeteer for my article). Doc Scanner = Cam Scanner, Skype=Skype 🙂 , Reading=Feedly or News360, there’s 4 major document viewers and editors that I’ve used like Quickoffice Pro …. Shoot me a PM if you want, or give me some access to the Google sheet and I can fill in some options 🙂

  32. Good for you ordering what works for you. 😉

    I am sort-of opposite I guess… I expect to stay with Apple products for a while on the mobile side (IOS incl. Apple TV and Laptops) as everything tends to work so well and they are incredibly well constructed. Android quality and ease of use seems to be hit and miss to me and the huge customization options just don’t appeal to me on a phone or tablet. But I find I will probably stay with Windoz products on the desktop side (Windows 7/8 with self build PC, etc.) where “touchy-feely” is not as critical and the wide product choice and customization works for me.

    Since I have the iPhone4 currently, the 5 is a decent upgrade for me once I can justify the cost…. also, Apple, why is my battery life suddenly so much worse after the recent announcement??!? hehe

    1. @Triple H Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m always switching things up. I find it amusing that people are congratulating me on the switch to Android as if I’ve never tried one before or something. I had a Motorola Droid X for a year before I switched to the iPhone 4S. 🙂 I get bored easily. So I’m always looking for something “different”. The iPhone 5 isn’t different at all. It’s the same as the iPhone 4S except for being a little taller and thinner. I’m not saying the iPhone 5 is a bad phone. I’m sure it’s great. It’s just B-O-R-I-N-G to me right now.

  33. Hi All, are the Iphones cutting edge today? No.
    Do they work great? Yes. I would love to sell them to Seniors, those over 50 who are intimaded by Smart Phones. I am 57, my 4S just works to well. I don’t need the bigger screen because I dont watch alot of movies on my phone. And alot of other gizmos, dont need. I need seamless Icloud, for Music, notes, pages, etc. to be on my Ipad Seemlessly. Apple product just have that , well you know!! How long will this last. with Jobs gone? I will get the 5 next year when my contract is up.

    Bitten by the Apple. PS, bought the stock a year ago, at $400 now at $700….. Iphone 5 Sold out in less than an hour on Friday… and the beat goes on, at least for a couple of years until they get to fat and happy and start to come our withe crummy products like Blackberry!!

  34. Hi Julie, I was in the same dilema. Now I am a proud owner of a Google Nexus S. You’ll love it! Although it is a little less specd than the Galaxy SIII you won’t feel the difference and the slight smaller size will give you a better handling. I am an Apple user since 1989, I switched to android this year when I finally realized that the iphone is not the best phone anymore. Not even the iphone 5. The speed is a temping feature but I don’t think its enough to motivate this purchase. Go for the Nexus S!!!

  35. I wanted to go for the IP5 when a jailbrake is available but the S3 seems to be interesting as well. I´d rather go for a bigger screen though than for a smaller phone.

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